Advanced book on Mathematics Olympiad

(ff) #1

92 2 Algebra

Substitutingxbyxa, we obtaina^2 xa=xa,orax^3 =xa, and sincex^3 =x, it follows
thatacommutes with all elements inG. We can therefore write

a^2 x=a(ax)=a(xa)=(xa)a=xa^2 ,

whencexa^2 =a^2 x=x. This shows thata^2 is the identity element of the multiplicative
operation; we denote it bye. The relation from the statement impliesx^3 =axa=xa^2 =
xe; cancellingx, we obtainx^2 =e; hence for allx∈G,x−^1 =x. It follows thatGis a
group. It is Abelian by the well-known computation

xy=(xy)−^1 =y−^1 x−^1 =yx. 

Here are more examples of the kind.

278.Prove that in order for a setGendowed with an associative operation to be a group,
it suffices for it to have a left identity, and for each element to have a left inverse.
This means that there should existe∈Gsuch thatex=xfor allx∈G, and for
eachx ∈G, there should existx′∈Gsuch thatx′x=e. The same conclusion
holds if “left’’ is replaced by “right.’’

279.Let(G,⊥)and(G,∗)be two group structures defined on the same setG. Assume
that the two groups have the same identity element and that their binary operations


for alla, b∈G. Prove that the binary operations coincide and the group they define
is Abelian.

280.Letr,s,tbe positive integers that are pairwise relatively prime. If the elementsa
andbof an Abelian group with identity elementesatisfyar=bs=(ab)t=e,
prove thata=b=e. Does the same conclusion hold ifaandbare elements of an
arbitrary nonAbelian group?

281.Assume thataandbare elements of a group with identity elementesatisfying
(aba−^1 )n=efor some positive integern. Prove thatbn=e.

282.LetGbe a group with the following properties:
(i)Ghas no element of order 2,
(ii)(xy)^2 =(yx)^2 , for allx, y∈G.
Prove thatGis Abelian.

283.A multiplicative operation on a set M satisfies (i)a^2 = b^2 , (ii)ab^2 = a,
(iii)a^2 (bc)=cb, (iv)(ac)(bc)=ab, for alla, b, c∈M. Define onMthe

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