Advanced book on Mathematics Olympiad

(ff) #1
308 6 Combinatorics and Probability

896.A sheet of paper in the shape of a square is cut by a line into two pieces. One of
the pieces is cut again by a line, and so on. What is the minimum number of cuts
one should perform such that among the pieces one can find one hundred polygons
with twenty sides.
897.Twenty-one girls and twenty-one boys took part in a mathematics competition. It
turned out that
(i) each contestant solved at most six problems, and
(ii) for each pair of a girl and a boy, there was at least one problem that was solved
by both the girl and the boy.
Show that there is a problem that was solved by at least three girls and at least
three boys.

6.2.4 The Inclusion–Exclusion Principle

A particular counting method that we emphasize is the inclusion–exclusion principle,
also known as the Boole–Sylvester formula. It concerns the counting of the elements in
a union of setsA 1 ∪A 2 ∪···∪An, and works as follows. If we simply wrote

|A 1 ∪A 2 ∪···∪An|=|A 1 |+|A 2 |+···+|An|,

we would overcount the elements in the intersectionsAi∩Aj. Thus we have to subtract
|A 1 ∩A 2 |+|A 1 ∩A 3 |+···+|An− 1 ∩An|. But then the elements in the triple intersections
Ai∩Aj∩Akwere both added and subtracted. We have to put them back. Therefore, we
must add|A 1 ∩A 2 ∩A 3 |+···+|An− 2 ∩An− 1 ∩An|. And so on. The final formula is

|A 1 ∪A 2 ∪···∪An|=




|Ai∩Aj|+···+(− 1 )n−^1 |A 1 ∩A 2 ∩···∩An|.

Example.How many integers less than 1000 are not divisible by 2, 3, or 5?

Solution.To answer the question, we will count instead how many integers between 1
and 1000aredivisible by 2,3, or 5. Denote byA 2 ,A 3 , andA 5 be the sets of integers
divisible by 2,3, respectively, 5. The Boole–Sylvester formula counts|A 2 ∪A 3 ∪A 5 |as

|A 2 |+|A 3 |+|A 5 |−|A 2 ∩A 3 |−|A 2 ∩A 5 |−|A 3 ∩A 5 |+|A 2 ∩A 3 ∩A 5 |



















= 500 + 333 + 200 − 166 − 100 − 66 + 33 = 734.

It follows that there are 1000− 734 =266 integers less than 1000 that are not divisible
by 2,3, or 5. 
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