Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening
Marigolds.--Handsome and free-flowering half-hardy annuals. The greenhouse varieties thrive in a mixture of loam and peat, and c ...
rock-work plant. It may be increased by transplanting, at the end of April, the rooted stems which run under the surface of the ...
Menziesia (Irish Heath).--This evergreen thrives best in fibrous peat to which a fair quantity of silver sand has been added. Wh ...
middle of August, giving them the same treatment as the previous; and a third one in February, in gentle heat. Height, 9 in. to ...
were inserted on the top of the branch the operation would result in failure, as the birds would devour them. Mitella Diphylla.- ...
open in the autumn. Height, 11/2 ft. Morning Glory.--See "Convolvulus." Morrenia Odorata.--A good twining plant for the greenhou ...
Musk (Mimulus Moschatus).--A well-known sweet-scented, half-hardy perennial, well adapted for pot culture. A moist, shady positi ...
and are equally valuable for trellis-work, while the dwarf varieties are first-class bedding plants, and of great service for ri ...
plants are put into small pots and placed in a frame till the end of May, when they are transferred to the border. Nierembergia ...
and streaked with venetian red, and are often 6 in. across. The pots should be two-thirds filled with crocks, then filled up wit ...
Onopordon.--Half-hardy perennials of a rather interesting nature and of easy cultivation. Sow the seed any time between March an ...
store it in a dry place, as it requires no moisture while in a dormant state. In September the flowers are produced. Height, 6 i ...
Pachysandra.--This early hardy perennial has ornamental foliage and blooms in April. It will succeed in almost any soil, and may ...
Pansies (Heartsease).--Grow well from seed sown in July or August on a raised bed of light earth. They may also be increased fro ...
Pavia Macrostachya.--This is a deciduous hardy shrub or tree which bears elegant racemes of white Chestnut-like flowers in July. ...
shoots be removed, and the young wood be cut away in sufficient quantity to produce a well-balanced tree, and so equalise the fl ...
keeping the soil moist till the seed germinates. When the plants are strong enough they may be placed in their permanent quarter ...
Half-hardy plants require artificial heat to germinate their seed, and must be gradually introduced into the open. They may be s ...
Canariensis is the useful canary seed: it may be propagated from seed on any soil. Height, 1-1/2 ft. Philadelphus.--Among the be ...
from white to purple. They like a rich soil, and can be raised from seed sown in March. They also bear division. July and August ...
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