Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening

(Barré) #1

They keep well this way.

Potentilla.--Handsome herbaceous plants with Strawberry-like foliage.
They will grow in any common soil, and may be increased by dividing
the roots or by seeds treated like other hardy perennials. The
shrubby kinds are well adapted for the fronts of shrubberies, and are
propagated by cuttings taken in autumn and planted in a sheltered
situation. They flower at midsummer. Height, 1-1/2 ft.

Potting.--Great attention must be paid to this important gardening
operation. It is necessary that the pots used be perfectly clean, and,
if new, soaked in water for several hours previously, otherwise they
would absorb the moisture from the soil to the detriment of the roots.
At the bottom of the pots place a few layers of crocks, and on these
some rough mould so as to ensure perfect drainage. For all delicate,
hard-wooded plants one-third of each pot should be occupied with
drainage, but a depth of 1-1/2 in. is sufficient for others. Lift the
plant carefully so as not to break the ball of earth round the roots,
and fill in with mould round the sides. In order to supply water
readily the pots must not be filled up to the rim. Pot firmly, and in
the case of hard-wooded plants ram the earth down with a blunt-pointed
stick; soft-wooded ones may be left rather looser. Give shade till the
plants have recovered themselves. The soil used for potting should be
moist, but not clammy. A rather light, rich loam is most suitable for
strong-growing plants; peat for slow-growing, hard-wooded ones, like
Ericas, Camellias, etc.; and a mixture of light loam, one-third its
bulk of leaf-soil, and silver sand in sufficient quantity to make
the whole porous for quick-growing, soft-wooded plants, such as
Pelargoniums, Calceolarias, Fuchsias etc.

Pratia Repens (Lobelia Pratiana).--This pretty little creeping
perennial is very suitable for the front of rock-work. It requires
a well-drained vegetable soil and all the sun it can get. It is
self-propagating. Though pretty hardy, it is safer to pot it off in
autumn and place it in a cold frame throughout the winter. Flowers are
produced in June, and are succeeded till cut off by frost.

Primroses.--See "Primulas," and "Streptocarpus."

Primulas.--This genus embraces the Auricula, the Polyanthus, and the
Primrose. The greenhouse varieties are among the most useful of our
winter-flowering plants. The seed may be sown at any time from March
to July in a pot of two-year-old manure, leaf-mould, or fine, rich
mould, but not covering it with the soil. Tie a sheet of paper over
the pot and plunge it in a hotbed. Sufficient moisture will be
communicated to the seed by keeping the paper damp. When the plants
make their appearance remove the paper and place the pot in the shady
part of the greenhouse. When they are strong enough to handle, pot off
into 4-1/2 in. pots, and stand them near the glass. The roots may be
divided as soon as the plants have done flowering. The hardy kinds may
be sown in the open. It should be borne in mind that the seed must
be new, as it soon loses its germinating properties. These flower in
March or April. Height, 6 in.

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