Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening

(Barré) #1

Staphylea Colchica(Mexican Bladder Nut).--This beautiful
free-flowering shrub will grow in any garden soil, and produces
bunches of fragrant, delicate white flowers in June. It forces well,
and may be made to flower at Easter by potting it in rich, light soil,
placing it in a cold frame till the middle of January, keeping
the roots moist, then bringing it into the warm house. It may be
propagated by suckers from the roots, by layers, or by cuttings taken
in autumn.

Star Flower.--See "Trientalis."

Star of Bethlehem.--See "Ornithogalum."

Statice (Sea Lavender).--The greenhouse and frame varieties succeed
best in sandy loam and peat, and may be increased by cuttings placed
under a bell-glass or in a warm pit. The hardy herbaceous kinds are
very suitable for the front of flower borders, and may be freely
increased by seeds or division. The annuals, if sown in March, will
produce flowers in July. Statices require a good amount of water, but
thorough drainage must be ensured. If the flowers are dried they will
keep their colour for a considerable time. Height, 1 ft. to 1-1/2 ft.

Stauntonia Latifolia.--A greenhouse evergreen climbing plant, which
needs a peat and loam soil and plenty of room for its roots. It
flowers in April, and is increased by cuttings planted in sand under
glass, with a gentle heat. Height, 10 ft.

Stenactis (Fleabane).--Showy hardy perennials which make fine
bedding plants. They may be grown from seed, which is produced in
great quantities, and merely requires the same treatment as other
perennials, or they may be propagated by dividing the plants. They
bloom in July. Height, 2 ft.

Stephanotis.--This pretty evergreen twining plant is most suitable for
the greenhouse, and flourishes in a mixture of loam and leaf-mould. It
flowers in May, and is increased by cuttings struck in heat. Height,
10 ft.

Sternbergia Lutea.--A hardy perennial which produces bright yellow
flowers in August. It likes a rich soil, and is propagated by
off-sets. Height, 6 in.

Stipa Pennata (Feather Grass).--One of the most graceful of our
ornamental grasses, and most attractive in the border. The seed may be
sown early in March, keeping the ground moist until it has germinated,
and it is also increased by division. Height, 2 ft.

Stobaea Purpurea.--A hardy border plant with long spiny foliage, and
bearing from July to September large light blue flowers. It requires a
light, rich soil. Young cuttings may be struck in sand. Height, 1 ft.


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