Traveller's Joy (Clematis Viorna).--This hardy climbing plant grows
best in a light soil, flowers in August, and is increased by layers of
the young shoots in summer. Height, 12 ft.
Trees, Plants that Flourish under.--Ivy, St. John's Wort (Hypericum
Calycinum), early-flowering White Aconite.
Tricyrtis.--These greenhouse herbaceous plants bloom in May. A rich,
light soil suits them. Height, 6 in.
Trientalis Europaea (Star Flower).--To grow this native perennial
to advantage, it should be planted in leaf-mould with which a large
proportion of sand has been mixed. Confine the roots to a narrow
compass by means of slates placed just beneath the surface of the
soil. Let the ground be kept moist, but well drained. The bloom is
produced during May and June, and it is propagated by runners. Height,
6 in. to 8 in.
Trifolium Repens Pentaphyllum.--A showy, hardy, deciduous perennial.
It thrives in ordinary soil, puts forth its white flowers in June, and
is propagated by seed or division. Height, 6 in.
Trillium Erectum (Wood Lily).--This tuberous perennial is quite
hardy, and flourishes in partial shade. The soil must be light and
rich, yet moist. The plant does not increase very fast, but the roots
of good-sized plants may be divided. It flowers in May and June.
Height, 6 in.
Tritelia.--A charming spring-flowering plant, bearing pretty white
star-like flowers on slender stalks. It is used largely for edgings.
It looks well in clumps on the front of borders. Plant in autumn, and
divide the bulbs every two or three years. Height, 6 in.
Tritoma (Red-hot Poker, or Torch Lily).--Requires a rich, sandy
soil, and to be protected in a frame from wet and frost in the winter.
Increase by division or by suckers from the root. The flower spikes
grow 18 to 27 in. long. The crown of the plant should not be more than
11/2 in. in the soil, which should be dug deeply and mixed with rotted
manure. In winter, if it is left in the ground, surround the plant
with 2 in. of sawdust, well trodden. Remove this in May, and water
liberally with liquid manure till it blooms. The best time to plant is
March or October. By many it is considered advisable not to disturb
the plant too often.
Tritonias.--These somewhat resemble miniature Gladioli, and are
among the most useful bulbs for pot-culture. Plant from September
to December, placing five or six bulbs in a 5-in. pot, and using a
compost of loam, leaf-mould, and silver sand. Plunge the pots in ashes
in a cold pit or frame, and keep them dry until the plants appear.
When in full growth they may be removed to the conservatory, placing
them near the glass, and giving careful attention to watering. For
outdoor cultivation choose a sunny, sheltered position, with a light,
rich, sandy soil. Give protection in frosty weather by covering with