in March on a slight hotbed, and grown in turfy loam, or loam and
peat. They bloom in May. Height, 1 ft.
Venus's Car.--See "Dielytra."
Venus's Looking-Glass (Specularia Speculum).--A pretty hardy annual,
bearing a profusion of Campanula-like flowers in July. Suitable for
beds, pots, hanging baskets, or rock-work. It flourishes most in a
compost of sandy loam and peat. The seeds are best sown in autumn and
wintered in a greenhouse, but they may be raised on a hotbed early in
spring. Cuttings of the young wood planted under glass root freely.
Height, 9 in.
Venus's Navel Wort.--A charming hardy annual for rock-work. The seed
should be sown early in spring in good garden mould. Height, 6 in.
Veratum.--Handsome foliage plants. They are quite hardy, and delight
in a rich soil. July is the month in which they flower. They may be
raised from seed, or propagated by division. Height, 5 ft.
Verbascum.--A hardy annual, which produces a profusion of showy
flowers in July, and is very suitable for the backs of borders. It
will thrive in any soil, and is easily raised from seed sown early in
spring. Height, 3 ft.
Verbena.--This charming half-hardy perennial succeeds best in light,
loamy soil. It seeds freely, and roots rapidly by being pegged down.
It is usual to take the cuttings in February, as spring-struck plants
prove best both for growth and flowering. Place a score of cuttings in
a 48-sized pot containing 1/3 of drainage material, covered with 1 in.
of rough leaf-mould, then filled to within 1-1/2 in. of the rim with
equal parts of loam, leaf-mould, or peat and sand, with 1/3 in. of
sand on the top. Make the soil firm at the base of the cuttings, and
water level. It is, however, more easily obtained from seed raised
on a gentle hotbed, and the plants thus raised are more robust and
floriferous. It flowers in July. Height, 1 ft.
Verbena, Lemon-scented.--See "Aloysia."
Veronica.--This graceful evergreen, commonly called Speedwell, bears
handsome spikes of autumn flowers, and makes a good conservatory or
sitting-room plant. It stands the winter out of doors in a sheltered
position with a dry sub-soil. The annual varieties may be sown in
autumn for spring flowering. Any light, rich, moist soil suits them.
The hardy perennial kinds are increased by dividing the roots, and
the greenhouse varieties by seeds or cuttings. The different species
flower from July to October. Height, 1 ft. to 10 ft.
Vesicaria Graeca.--A small hardy evergreen shrub, suitable for
rock-work or edgings. It likes a light, dry soil and an open
situation. It may be propagated by seeds, which are freely produced;
but the readiest way to increase it is by cuttings of the side-shoots,
taken as early as possible so as to become well rooted before cold