Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening

(Barré) #1

the north or north-west side of the stem and as near the ground as
possible. To obtain prime fruit, thin the fruit-buds out to a distance
of 6 in. one from the other. In the spring any leaf-buds not required
for permanent shoots can be pinched back to three or four leaves
to form spurs. The Apricot is subject to a sort of paralysis, the
branches dying off suddenly. The only remedy for this seems to be to
prevent premature vegetation. The following are good sorts: Moor Park,
Grosse Peche, Royal St. Ambroise, Kaisha, Powell's Late, and Oullin's
Early. In plantations they should stand 20 ft. apart.

Aquatics.--All aquatics grow best in wicker-baskets filled with earth.
Cover the surface of the earth with hay-bands twisted backwards and
forwards and round the plant, and lace it down with tarred string, so
as to keep the earth and plant from being washed out. The following
make good plants:--White Water Lily (Nymphaea Alba) in deep water
with muddy bottom; Yellow Water Lily (Nuphar Lutea); and Nuphar
Advena, having yellow and red flowers; Hottonia Palustris, bearing
flesh-coloured flowers, and Alismas, or Water Plantain, with white,
and purple and white flowers. Water Forget-me-nots (Myosotis
Palustris) flourish on the edges of ponds or rivers. The Water
Hawthorn (Aponogetou Distachyon) does well in a warm, sheltered
position, and may be grown in loam, plunged in a pan of water.
Calla Ethiopica bears pretty white flowers, so also does the
before-mentioned Aponogeton Distachyon. The Flowering Rush (Butomus
Umbellatus), produces fine heads of pink flowers. The Water Violet
merely needs to be laid on the surface of the water; the roots float.
For shallow water Menyanthus Trifoliata (Three-leaved Buckbean) and
Typha Latifolia (Broad-leaved Cat's Tail) are suitable. Weeping
Willows grow readily from cuttings of ripened shoots, planted in moist
soil in autumn. Spiraea does well in moist situations, near water.
Aquatics are propagated by seed sown under water: many will allow of
root-division. Tender Aquatics are removed in winter to warm-water

Aquilegia (Columbine).--Very ornamental and easily-grown hardy
perennials. Sow seed in March in sandy soil, under glass, and
transplant when strong enough. Common garden soil suits them. The
roots may be divided in spring or autumn. The flowers are produced
from May to July. Height, 2 ft.

Arabis Alpina (Rock Cress, or Snow in Summer).--Pure white hardy
perennial, which is valuable for spring bedding. Not particular to
soil, and easily raised from seed sown from March to June, placed
under a frame, and transplanted in the autumn, or it may be propagated
by slips, but more surely by rootlets taken after the plants have done
flowering. Plant 3 in. apart. Height, 6 in.

Aralia (Fatsia Japonica).--Fine foliage plants, very suitable for a
shady situation in a living-room. They may be raised from seed sown
in autumn in a gentle heat, in well-drained pots of light sandy soil.
Keep the mould moist, and when the plants are large enough to handle,
pot them off singly in thumb pots, using rich, light, sandy soil. Do
not pot too firmly. Keep them moist, but do not over water, especially

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