Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening

(Barré) #1

long racemes of rosy-purple flowers in June or July. It prefers a soil
of sandy loam and peat, and may be increased by seed or by cuttings
planted in sand and subjected to heat. Height, 4 ft.

Desmodium Pendulaeflorum.--A hardy evergreen shrub, flowering in July.
It thrives in sandy loam and peat. Cuttings planted in sand with a
little bottom-heat and under glass will strike. Height, 6 ft.

Deutzia.--A beautiful conservatory shrub, bearing in spring a large
quantity of flowers resembling the snowdrop. A peaty soil suits it. It
is pretty hardy. Height, 3 ft.

Devil-in-a-Bush.--See "Nigella."

Dianthus.--Very beautiful and fragrant flowers. The genus embraces
Carnations, Pinks, Picotees, and Sweet Williams. The soil most
suitable for them is a light, loamy one, mixed with a little rotten
dung and sand. It is well to confine the rarer kind to pots, so as
the better to protect them in winter. They are propagated by layers,
cuttings, or division of roots. If the cuttings are taken about the
middle of June, and placed under glass on a gentle hotbed, they will
be ready in about three weeks to plant out in the open. The annuals
and biennials merely require sowing where they are intended to bloom.
Flower in July. Height, 1-1/2 ft. to 2 ft.

Dictamnus (Burning Bush).--See "Fraxinella."

Dielytra Spectabilis (Venus's Car, Bleeding Heart, or Lyre
Flower).--One of the most elegant hardy perennials for forcing
for table decorations, or cutting for vases. The graceful, pendent
branches are laden with beautiful red or purple heart-shaped flowers;
these, combined with the delicate green of the foliage, give them a
conspicuous place among plants. Out of doors in summer, among shrubs
or herbaceous plants, they are exceedingly attractive. Let them be
planted in tufty groups in a warm, sheltered border of rich, light
soil. They may be increased by division of the root, as in the Dahlia,
or by cuttings. Height, 3 ft.

Digitalis (Foxglove).--Very showy, hardy, perennial border plants.
They will grow in any garden soil, and are readily raised from seed,
which, if sown in the autumn, will produce flowers the following June
and July. Height, 1 ft. to 3 ft.

Digitata.--See "Callirhoe."

Dimorphantus (Aralia Sinensis).--The Dimorphantus Mandschuricus is
one of the noblest of deciduous shrubs, the foliage being very large
and much divided. Any soil is suitable for its growth, and it may be
propagated by cuttings of ripe wood, taken at a joint and planted on a
shaded site. It produces its flowers at midsummer. Height, 4 ft. to 6

Dimorphotheca Ecklonis.--This plant is not perhaps quite hardy, still

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