Dictionary of Flowers And Plants For Gardening

(Barré) #1

confectionery and medicine.

CHERVIL.--An annual. Useful for salads.

CHIVES.--Hardy perennial. The young tops used to flavour soups, etc.

CORIANDER.--A hardy annual. Cultivated for garnishing.

DILL.--A hardy perennial. Leaves used in soups and sauces, also in

FENNEL.--Hardy perennial. Used in salads and in fish sauce, also for
garnishing dishes.

HOREHOUND.--Hardy perennial. Leaves and young shoots used for
a beverage for coughs.

HYSSOP.--Hardy evergreen shrub. Leaves and young shoots used for
making tea; also as a pot herb.

LAVENDER.--Hardy perennial. Cultivated for its flowers, for the
distillation of lavender water, for flavouring sauces, and for
medicinal purposes.

MARIGOLD, Pot.--Hardy annual. Flowers used in soups.

MARJORAM, Sweet or Knotted, and Pot.--Hardy annuals. Aromatic and
sweet flavour. Used for stuffings and as a pot herb; leaves dried for
winter use.

RAMPION.--Hardy perennial. Roots used as a radish; they have a nutty

ROSEMARY.--Hardy ornamental shrub. Sprigs used for garnishing and
the leaves in drink.

RUE.--Hardy evergreen shrub. Leaves used for medicinal drinks;
useful for poultry with croup.

SAGE.--Hardy perennial. Decoction of leaves drank as tea; used also
for stuffing, meats, and sauces.

SAVORY, Summer.--Hardy annual. Used for flavouring soups and salads.

SAVORY, Winter.--Hardy evergreen shrub. Its aromatic flavour makes
it valuable as a pot herb.

SCURVY GRASS.--The small leaves are eaten as watercress.

SKIRRET.--Hardy perennial. Sweet, white, and pleasant; the tubers
are boiled and served up with butter.

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