MEDICINAL PLANTS in Folk Tradition

(Darren Dugan) #1
The authors and publisher cannot accept any responsibility for
any situation or problems which could arise from experimentation
with any of the remedies mentioned in this book.

Copyright © 2004 by David E. Allen and Gabrielle Hatfield.
Colour photographs © 2004 by Deni Bown.
All rights reserved.

Page 2,Sanicula europaea,sanicle (Brunfels 1530, fig. 80).

Map, page 33, by Jamie Quinn and Elanor McBay, The Drawing Office,
Department of Geography, University College London.

Published in 2004 by

Timber Press, Inc. Timber Press
The Haseltine Building 2 Station Road
133 S.W. Second Avenue, Suite 450 Swavesey
Portland, Oregon 97204-3527, U.S.A. Cambridge CB4 5QJ, U.K.

Printed in China

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Allen, David E.
Medicinal plants in folk tradition : an ethnobotany of Britain & Ireland / David E.
Allen and Gabrielle Hatfield.
p. cm.
ISBN 0-88192-638-8 (hardcover)

  1. Ethnobotany—Great Britain. 2. Ethnobotany—Ireland. 3. Medicinal plants—
    Great Britain. 4. Medicinal plants—Ireland. 5. Traditional medicine—Great Britain.

  2. Traditional medicine—Ireland. I. Hatfield, Gabrielle. II. Title.
    GN585.G7 A45 2004

A Catalogue record for this book is also available from the British Library.

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