T3 - UK (2021-07)

(Antfer) #1
72 T 3 JULY 2021

Focal Clear MG

£ 1 , 499

he Focal Clear MG are luxurious
headphones,made for aluxurious
listening experience, and they hit
that markdead on. For our money,
these are absolutely thebest wiredheadphones
on the planet.
e Focal Clear MGcost roughly the same as
the Sennheiser HD800 S that are their single
biggest competition and about half of what you’d
pay for Focal’swonderful Stellia headphones. So
in the scheme of audiophile headphones, they’re
pretty well-priced, even if they make the cost of
Apple AirPods Maxlook like pocket change.
Microfibre earpads and headband material
feels like sinking intoa sofa when you put them
on, and they held firmlyin place on the head
without being uncomfortable or warming up too
much over a long period oflistening.e
aluminiumframe and honeycomb design on the
outside of the earcups feel premium too.
e ClearMG are so comforting and
enveloping, and give you exactly the kind of
natural and infinitely detailed soundyou want.
From the inhalation of the singer to every
vibration of a bass string,you’reunquestionably
getting the fullpicture of the music.
Youget a sense of the dynamic rangeof the
headphonesfrom the bass, which can resonate
strongly inthe mix even ifthe rest of the song
suddenly brings in high vocals and instruments.
Similarly,at the top end you can hear the
accidental popof a singer’s lips sticking together,
even while instruments bounce under it. e
headphonesjust eat up as much detail asyou can
give them, and presentit back to you with
impeccable manners.
Even insongs that build to anintentional
cacophonyof clashing sounds, you get to hear the


Officially rated the best

wired headphones at the

T 3  Awards 2 021, these are

about as good as it gets for

luxurious home hi-fi


Clear MG


rich and realistic sound;
premium build quality; easy to
drive; very comfortable.
WE’D IMPROVE Open-backed
has disadvantages; maybe not
totally neutral.
fantastic audio quality, and a
comfortable design. And they
can even be driven by portable
devices, though are at their best
with a great hi-fi setup.


Find great deals on theFocal
Clear MG at: bit.ly/t3focalmg

individual instruments, not just the mix overall.
It feels reallytrue to the music as a result. If a
song wants to be smooth, the ClearMG will
spread it likeNutella. If a song wants to be crisp
and hard, it turns todiamond. While the
resulting sound isn’t what you’dcalltruly neutral

  • it takesa little shuffle towards some warmth in
    the mid and bass – you’ll get no complaints from
    us about that.
    Being open-backed means they’re capable of a
    natural and expansive sound, but that sound
    leaks both in and out something rotten. at’s
    fine – it’s by design – but it means they’re
    explicitly not for taking on the trainor, really, to
    the office.ey’refor listening athome, inan
    environment where you control how much
    outside noise there is.
    We don’t really haveany complaints about the
    Focal Clear MG. e price sureis high, but it’s right
    in line withequivalent audiophile headphones.
    Otherwise,we’ve just found them to be glorious.
    Paired with a suitably high-quality audio source
    and DAC and/or amp,they’reheadphonesthat
    just let you revel in sound. And they’re
    comfortable and stylish. Very few headphones
    makeit so enjoyable to get lost in your music.

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