Stuff - UK (2021-08)

(Antfer) #1


QChat with Otter
Information lost from meetings
and interviews can hamper
organisation. But with Otter
(£free, Android and iOS) you
can record (with permission)
and get a live transcription to
work with later. Pay and you
can import existing recordings.

QScan with Adobe
We’ve mentioned the bane of
paper, right? Use Adobe Scan
(£free, Android and iOS) to
turn your smartphone into
a pocket scanner. The app
tidies up scans, and performs
OCR on them so you can save
the result to PDF then copy
and paste the text.

Organisation can feel like
a chore, particularly with
tasks you do on a regular
basis. Habitica ‘gamifies’
task management, using
success to power up a
pixelated hero. Suitably
equipped with weapons,
skills and pets, your little
character can then duff
up monsters.
£free (IAP) / Android, iOS

This habit-former invites
you to define up to 12
habits (ideally just six)
to track; these can include
timed habits and ones
you want to break. When
done, you prod the big
button; when curious,
you can dig into the stats.
The app’s sense of focus
encourages good results.
£4.99 / iOS

Blocking out time in your
calendar to do all of the
things is no good if those
time-blocks are frittered
away. BFT helps you
train your brain by turning
your phone face-down
to trigger work sprints.
99p / Android
£1.99 / iOS




QFlag your faves
Photos were once precious
and rare, shot on special
occasions and placed lovingly
in albums; today they’re
a constant stream. Learn
to organise them, flagging
favourites to later reminisce
over and turn into digital takes
on the old-school album.

QUse tags and AI
Centralise photos and work
with apps that let you quickly
access and organise them. AI
and machine learning can help
you access images by theme
or date. Try also using manual
tagging to build collections of
related snaps.

QBlock it all out
It’s commonplace to block
meetings out in your schedule.
Get into the habit of doing
this with other tasks, jobs
and events during your day
as well, to provide a better
representation of availability.

QBook in faffage
You’re going to spend part
of your day on minutiae.
If you want to get properly
organised, admit this and
schedule it: create repeating
calendar events to burn
through email and social feeds
a couple of times per day.

QAdd regular breaks
Downtime is important. If you
work in a job where you get
a fixed lunch break, block it
out in your calendar and mark
yourself as unavailable. It’s
vital to be organised about
taking time out, otherwise
you risk not doing so.

Free download pdf