Science - USA (2021-07-09)

(Antfer) #1




illness ( 15 ). Therefore, structural conditions
that affect an individual’s network and expo-
sure risk are likely far more predictive than
individual choices in determining whether
the infection will be a terminal event or lead
to multiple downstream infections. Thus,
comprehensively addressing the needs of
a few with disproportionate risks can avert
more downstream infections than eliminat-
ing a small risk among many.
How can public health strategies address
individual heterogeneity and differential in-
fection risk? Early in the pandemic, there was
an assumption of relative homogeneity in the
risks of infection and the potential impact of
interventions across the population. This was
included in modeling to inform public health
approaches. Compartmental models, which
divide populations into distinct sections and
assume that individuals in these groups have

the same characteristics, are mostly used to
model COVID-19 cases and the impact of in-
terventions. However, they infrequently in-
tegrate the effects of differential population
mixing, socioeconomic factors, and networks
across compartment effects. It is now clear
that individual heterogeneity has large-scale
effects on disparities seen in the risk of in-
fection and disease burden, which is con-
firmed in network-based disease modeling ( 1 ,
6 , 7 , 11 ). Public health policies implemented
based on the assumption of equal risk of ac-
quisition and transmission across all socio-
economic groups, ages, and occupations left
certain communities exposed to a higher risk
of infection, resulting in differential burdens
of disease ( 1 – 3 , 7 ). Leveraging network het-
erogeneity in infectious disease models may
better demonstrate these differential risks

observed in real-life epidemiological analyses
and the benefits of prioritizing intensive and
targeted interventions to those with differen-
tial risks, given the potential for larger num-
bers of averted downstream infections.
The intersection between direct and indi-
rect onward transmission risks reinforces the
need for effective and pragmatic strategies to
break chains of transmission, especially in
people at high risk of infection. Policy inter-
ventions should consider the overall number
of contacts that a person has and, subse-
quently, downstream infections averted based
on differential impacts in different communi-
ties ( 13 ). For example, people living in mul-
tigenerational households, serving in high-
exposure occupations, and residing in densely
populated communities could be prioritized
for temporary housing support, assurance
of employee benefits such as paid leave, and

vaccine outreach services. Considering this
differential impact, targeted interventions
through network-adaptive resource-based
interventions could be leveraged according
to individual and network-level needs. Such
an adaptive approach could inform model-
ing and prioritize specific resource-based
intervention strategies, including testing
aligned with lived realities, housing support
if insufficient space to isolate, and paid leave
from work to support quarantine and iso-
lation, combined with outreach testing and
infection prevention and control support in
workplaces. In addition, network-adaptive
vaccination strategies prioritize those with
large networks based on contact heteroge-
neity. For example, looking at vaccination
rates in England by deprivation, vaccination
coverage is clearly lower in more deprived ar-

eas, where the risk of infection and disease
burden is higher. Although this may be due
to multiple reasons, including lack of access
to care and inability to take time off work,
there is a need for areas of high and enduring
transmission risk to accelerate vaccination
to match the increased risks of infection and
onward transmission.
The focus of COVID-19 response strategies
has often been on behavior change as a pri-
mary means of decreasing contact networks
and thus transmission chains. However,
contact patterns are driven, in large part, by
socioeconomic inequities and structural rac-
ism and are nonmodifiable at the individual
level in the absence of specific support. Thus,
nonadaptive public health interventions
fail to address individual heterogeneities
and have left socioeconomically marginal-
ized communities at risk of infection, death,
and economic hardship. There is a risk that
lower vaccine uptake among these commu-
nities could perpetuate existing inequalities.
Therefore, it is vital that community-led vac-
cine delivery strategies are strengthened.
The disparities that have defined
COVID-19 epidemiology could have been
readily predictable given historical data on
pandemics. The next respiratory pandemic
will also be defined by similar disparities.
Using network-driven strategies to inform
rapidly emergent epidemic responses repre-
sents an evidence-based and equitable path
forward where the aim is to invest more
to prevent infections in a  person with dis-
proportionate risks because disease burden
and downstream infection risks vary sub-
stantially ( 6 , 7 , 13 ). j


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  10. N. I. Lone et al., Lancet Reg. Health Eur. 1 , 100005

  11. K. Sun et al., Science 371 , eabe2424 (2021).

  12. X. Qiu et al., Clin. Microbiol. Infect. 27 , 511 (2021).

  13. B. G. Link, J. Phelan, J. Health Soc. Behav. 1995 , 80

  14. COVID-19 Advisory for Ontario, Update on COVID-19
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  15. M. Murti et al., medRxiv 10.1101/2020.11.25.20239038

Case A Case B

social distancing



Healthy Infected Social distancing

Downstream infection risks vary according to network patterns
Case A depicts a person with a small network, who can work from home and self-isolate if needed. Case B
represents a person who works in a public-facing job or in an unsafe workplace and lives in a multigenerational
or large household. Overall risk of exposure and onward transmission risk differ substantially between these
two individuals, representing a disproportionately high transmission chain in case B. Intervention strategies
should focus on breaking chains of downstream transmission.

9 JULY 2021 • VOL 373 ISSUE 6551 163

0709Perspectives.indd 163 7/1/21 6:34 PM

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