Purging of process vessels, tanks and piping before startup
and after shutdown is imperative for pilot plants and large-
scale plants in the process industries or wherever combusti-
ble gases and vapors are handled. Gases most often used for
purging are nitrogen, carbon dioxide, or gases derived from
the combustion of hydrocarbons. The reader is referred to
the sections on Vapor and Gaseous Pollutant Fundamentals
and to Fossil Fuel Cleaning for unit operations and incinera-
tion procedures involved in hazardous gas removal. To show
how the purging procedure can be “mapped” a typical purg-
ing chart will be constructed and the salient points explained
(see Appendix).
Inert gases such as nitrogen have the property of not only
depressing or narrowing the explosive range of a combus-
tible gas or vapor, but also of preventing the formation of
explosive mixtures with air when these inert gases are mixed
in suitable proportions with either air or with the combus-
tible gas or with an explosive mixture of both. By displacing
or mixing air contained in a vessel, tank or piping system to
be placed into gas service, with a suitable amount of an inert
gas such as nitrogen, a combustible gas may subsequently
be introduced without the formation of an explosive mix-
ture. Similarly, by displacing or mixing the combustible with
a suitable amount of nitrogen, air may later be introduced
without causing an explosive mixture to develop. During
the purging procedure constant sampling of contents must
be pursued using standard accepted methods of chemical
A flammable mixture of a gas, such as acetylene and air, may
be diluted with one of the constituents (acetylene or air) until
it no longer is flammable. The limit of flammability due to
dilution is the borderline composition: a slight change in the
direction will support burning, while in the other direction
combustion cannot be supported and maintained.
At the ends of these two extremes there are well defined
limits within which self-propagation of flame will take place
on ignition. These are known as “upper” and “lower” limits
as defined in terms of the percentage by volume of com-
bustible gas present in a mixture of the gas and air. Table 1
below lists these limits for some of the more common gases
and vapors for conditions of atmospheric pressure and
Within these limits, the combustible gas and air mix-
ture liberates sufficient energy to continue to propagate
flame from one mixture layer to the other. Mixtures above
the upper limit may burn on contact with external air, since
these layers are formed in the zone where gases mix. Certain
conditions effect a shift in the two limits, either increasing
or decreasing the spread between them as we will note later.
These conditions include: ignition source, ignition inten-
sity, direction of flame propagation (upward, downward, or
across), size and shape of container, vessel, or piping orien-
tation, temperature, pressure and humidity in the containing
vessel, oxygen content and turbulence.
When a chemical reaction is accompanied by the libera-
tion of heat, as the reaction progresses, it is followed by an
increase in the amount of heat, which in turn helps to accel-
erate the reaction. Thus the two advance together, both in
highly intimate connection and mutually helpful, until the
entire mass has been heated and chemically converted.
When a burning substance, a match for instance, is placed
in contact with the extreme outer limit of an explosive mix-
Per cent gas or vapor in mixture—flammability limits
Gas or
vapor Lower Upper
Gas or
vapor Lower Upper
Acetylene 2.5 80.0
Carbon monoxide 12.5 74.2 Acetone 2.6 12.8
Hydrogen 4.0 74.2 Ethane 3.2 12.5
Ethyl ether 1.9 48.5 Propane 2.4 9.5
Carburetted 6.4 47.7 Butane 1.9 8.4
Hydrogen sulfide 4.3 45.5 Benzene 1.4 8.8
Methyl alcohol 6.7 36.5 Gasoline 1.5 6.2
Coal gas 3.9 29.9 Turpentine 0.8 —
Ethylene 2.8 28.6 Ammonia 16.0 27.0
Pennsylvania 4.9 14.1 Ethyl alcohol 3.3 19.0
Natural gas — — Methane 5.0 15.0
Reference: G. W. Jones, Chemical review Vol. 22, 1938. pp. 1–26.
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