Airborne and satellite MSS systems have become widely
used in many environmental science and resource management
applications. Examples of different types of MSS system
include the following:
- The U.S. Landsat satellite series includes two MSS
systems. The original Landsat MSS (on board sys-
tems launched between 1972 and 1978) includes
four spectral bands in the visible and near-infrared
portions of the spectrum, with a spatial resolution
of 80 m. The Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM)
instrument (since 1982) includes six bands in the
visible, near-, and mid-infrared regions, with a
spatial resolution of 30 m (and a thermal infrared
band with a resolution of 120 m). Both instruments
operate in an across-track configuration with a
swath width of 185 km, and a current orbital repeat
cycle of 16 days. - The HRV instrument on the French SPOT satel-
lite series can collect data in either a single wide
“panchromatic” band, with 10m resolution, or in
three narrower bands in the visible (green and
red) and near-infrared, with 20 m resolution. The
orbital repeat cycle is 26 days, but the sensor’s
ability to be rotated (via ground command) up to
27° left or right allows more frequent imaging
of a given location on the Earth’s surface. The
HRV is an along-track scanner, with a swath
width of 60 to 80 km depending on the viewing
angle. Two identical HRVs are included on each
SPOT satellite.
Imaging Radar Systems
Whereas the previous types of remote sensing systems oper-
ate in the visible and infrared portions of the electromagnetic
spectrum, imaging radar systems operate in the microwave
portion of the spectrum, with wavelengths from approxi-
mately 1 cm to 1 m. At these wavelengths, radar is unaf-
fected by clouds or haze (shorter wavelength systems are
used for meteorological remote sensing). In addition, radar
systems are active sensors, transmitting their own radiation
rather than passively measuring reflected solar or emitted
radiation; thus, they can be operated at any time of day or
night. Imaging radar systems are sensitive to the geometric
structure and dielectric properties of objects, with the pri-
mary determinant of an object’s dielectric properties being
its liquid water content. Current satellite radar systems
include the European ERS-series and the Canadian Radarsat,
which each have a single 5-cm wavelength band, and the
Japanese JERS-1 system with a 23-cm band. Several air-
borne radar systems have been developed, such as the NASA/
JPL AIRSAR, which operates at multiple wavelengths. 5,6,7
Photographic cameras, video cameras, and multispectral
scanners can be operated in a vertical configuration to mini-
mize the geometric distortion of the image, or at an oblique
angle to provide a side view of the landscape. Imaging radar
systems are not operated vertically, but in a side-looking
configuration with a broad range of possible look angles.
Remote sensing has been used for a wide variety of applica-
tions in the environmental sciences. Among the earliest uses
of remote sensing was geologic mapping, including the dis-
crimination of rock and mineral types, lineament mapping,
and identifying landforms and geologic structures. Today,
many types of remotely-sensed data are used for geologi-
cal applications at a variety of spatial scales, ranging from
high-resolution aerial photography, to thermal-scanner
images, to lower-resolution Landsat images covering large
Agricultural applications of remote sensing are also
common. Aerial photography and other remotely-sensed data
are widely used as a base for soil mapping, while multispec-
tral and thermal images are used for soil moisture mapping.
Imaging radar systems, with their sensitivity to moisture-
related dielectric surface properties, can also be used to mea-
sure soil moisture. Multispectral visible and infrared data are
used for crop classification and assessment, including moni-
toring the health and productivity of crops, with the goal of
predicting yields and identifying areas of crop damage.
In forestry, aerial photographs are used to delineate
timber stands and to estimate tree heights, stocking densities,
crown diameters, and other variables relating to timber
volume. Color infrared photography and multispectral imag-
ery can be used to map forest types and to identify areas of
stress due to pest infestations, air pollution, and other causes.
Aerial and satellite imagery can be used to map the effects of
wildfires, windthrow, and other phenomena in forested
regions. Wildlife habitat can be assessed using remote sens-
ing at a variety of scales. High-resolution aerial photography
can also be used to assist in wildlife censuses in non-forested
areas such as rangeland.
Many aquatic and hydrological applications make use of
remote sensing. Water pollution can be monitored using aerial
photography or MSS systems, and imaging radar can be used
to detect oil slicks. Thermal imagery is used to study currents
and circulation patterns in lakes and oceans. Both optical and
radar data are used to monitor flooding, including flooding
beneath a forest canopy in the case of radar. Wetlands delin-
eation and characterization can both be assisted by remote
sensing. Radar systems are used to measure ocean waves, and
both radar and optical images have been used to detect sea
and lake ice.
Remote sensing is often used to assist in site selection
and infrastructure location, urban and regional planning, and
civil engineering applications. Aerial photographs are often
acquired with a significant overlap between adjacent photos,
allowing heights to be measured using the stereoscopic
effect. This process is extensively used for topographic map-
ping and for creation of geometrically-correct orthorectified
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