Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


feed water having 2,500 ppm and about 3.9 kWh/m^3 (14.8
kWh per 1000 gallons) for feed water containing 4,500 ppm
total dissolved solids. The pumps operate at low pressure of
350 to 700 kPa (51 to 101 psi).
Electrodialysis has a variety of applications, in addition
to that of fresh-water production, i.e., for the treatment of
wastes, for the recovering of trace elements from effluents and
for concentration of various solutions, such as fruit juices.
To the end of 1993 world capacity of electrodialysis
plants producing more than 100 m^3 /d/unit was 1,070,005 m^3 /d
covering only 5.7% of the total desalination capacity, and
14.8% of the membrane processes.

Ion Exchange Membranes The ion-exchange membranes
are membranes selective either to cations or to the anions.
When a cation-selective membrane is immersed in an elec-
trolyte solution the cations in solution will enter in the resin
matrix and replace the cations present. The anions are pre-
vented from entering the matrix by the repulsion of the
anions affixed to the resin. The opposite phenomenon takes
place when an anion-selective membrane is immersed in an
electrolyte solution. Ion exchange membranes are essentially
ion-exchange resins cast in sheet form.
Membranes of synthetic resins have been developed
which are highly selective to the passage of positive ions,
and others have been developed which are highly selective
to the passage of negative ions. Hundreds of membranes
form passages in parallel between somewhat like a plate and
frame filter press., which is the electrodialysis stack. A stack
is presented in Figure 15.
Counter-ions within an ion exchange resin or membrane
are ions with a charge opposite to the charges affixed to the
membrane matrix. Co-ions are ions with the same charge as
the fixed charge of the matrix. Hence, ion selective mem-
branes are selectively permeable to counter-ions and selec-
tively impermeable to co-ions. The selectivity, which might be
expressed in terms of the transference number of counter-ions
in the membranes, is not generally restricted to all ions of the
charge. Membranes may well be more selective to some ionic
species than to others. There are commercially available mem-
branes that will selectively transport univalent ions in electro-
dialysis. With these membranes not only the concentrations
but also the composition of electrolyte solutions can be altered.
A membrane possessing specific selectivity between divalent
and univalent ions would be useful for removing sulfate from
a solution of chloride and sulfate, or to fractionate a mixture
of the ions into two solutions, each one containing only one
of the ions.
Transport numbers of ions in the ion exchange mem-
brane are different from those in the solutions on both sides
of the membrane. Because of the lower transport number of
ions in the solution, the number of ions transported to the
membrane surface by the electrical current is in deficiency to
the ions removed from that surface and transferred through
the membrane. The opposite phenomenon occurs on the
other side of the membrane. A greater number of ions are
transferred from the entering to the outgoing membrane sur-
face than can be carried away by the electrical current. Two

boundary layers with the opposite concentration gradients
are formed at both sides of the membrane. This tendency
for concentration and depletion is opposed by diffusion and
physical mixing. Hence, the thickness of the boundary layers
depend on hydrodynamic conditions and on the degree of
turbulence. However, there remain layers adjacent to the
membrane in which the solutions are completely static.
Increasing the current density has the effect of increas-
ing the concentration gradients at both surfaces of the
membrane and the point may be reached at which the con-
centration of ions at the entering side of the membrane
approaches zero. This is the limiting current density. When
the limiting current density is exceeded, hydrogen and
hydroxyl ions are transported through the solution and the
membrane causing changes of pH inside the membrane
and at the boundary layers of the solutions, as well as an
increase in the overall electrical resistance. The desired
ions participate with only a small amount in the transport.
The phenomenon is termed concentration polarization and
is the major limitation of the production rates achievable
by electrodialysis.
The increase in the pH of the solution associated with
polarization promotes the formation of alkaline precipitates
such as calcium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide on
the membrane surface. Membrane scaling causes additional
electrical and flow resistance, a decrease in electrodialysis

FIGURE 15 Photograph of an electrodialysis reversal stack
with 500 cell pairs in vertical arrangement. (Courtesy Ionics Inc.,
Watertown, Mass. USA.)

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