Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


and indices of relative abundance based on fecal pellet counts
(Southwood, 1966, 229) or on damage to vegetation (Odum
and Pigeon, 1970, 1–69) are sometimes used. Estimation of
change in numbers with time involves a knowledge of birth,
death and migration rates, the calculation of which requires
considerable lifetable information.
Biomass values are commonly derived by multiplying
the number of individuals by average weights obtained from
sample specimens or calculated from formulas relating weight
to body dimensions (Petrusewicz and Macfadyen, 1970, 51).
More detailed studies require knowledge of the growth of
individuals and the rate of weight gain. Ultimately, biomass
should be converted to its energy equivalent by determining
its calorific value; this requires the use of a calorimeter, such
as that developed by Phillipson (1964), and because of the
difficulty of obtaining complete combustion, it is generally
carried out in the laboratory. Published tables of the caloric
content of various plant and animal tissues (e.g., Golley,
1961) show a considerable range of values even for the same
species, reflecting differences in life history stage, season,
and environmental conditions.
It is also clear that the dimensions of primary consumption
cannot be accurately gauged without knowledge of the pro-
cesses ( ingestion, egestion, assimilation, respiration ) associated
with it. It is important, therefore, to investigate the food habits
and feeding rates of herbivores, as well as to determine the
quality of the food consumed, the proportion rejected as feces,
the digestive efficiency, and the rates of respiration (oxygen
consumption can be measured by a respirometer such as that
of Smith and Douglas, 1949; see also the book on manometric
techniques by Umbreit et al., 1957). Much of this work has
had to be done on animals in confinement, and little is known
as yet of activity levels and metabolic rates of herbivores in
nature. Recent developments in the use of radioactive isotope
tracers (Williams and Reichle, 1965) and the telemetric mea-
surement of heart rate or other characteristics related to respira-
tion (Adams, 1965) give promise that the study of metabolism
under filed conditions will eventually be feasible.


With careful management and appropriate stocking large
mammalian herbivores can consume a fairly high proportion
of the available plant food. In Great Britain, sheep stocked at a
density of 10 ewes per hectare on lowland pasture may ingest
up to 70% of the annual production of grass (Eadie, 1970),
and beef cattle on management rangeland in the United States,
when stocked at the maximum recommended exploitation rate,
will consume from 30% to 45% of the forage (Lewis et al.,
1956). The effi ciency of feeding will of course vary with the
situation: sheep on hill pastures, where a stocking rate cannot
exceed 0.8 ewes per hectare, may utilize no more than 20% of
the available food (Eadie, 1970), and Paulsen (1960) indicates
that on alpine ranges in the Rocky Mountains the propor-
tion of herbage production removed by sheep was only 7%.
This latter fi gure is close to estimates of feeding effi ciency
obtained for large mammals in the wild: 10% for the Uganda

kob (Buechner and Golley, 1967) and 9.6% for the African
elephant (Wiegert and Evans, 1967). Where large, multi-
species herds of ungulates occur, as on the savannas of Africa,
their combined effi ciency may be much higher: estimates of
60% for Uganda grassland and of 28% for Tanganyika grass-
land were obtained from observations by Petrides and Swank
(1965) and Lamprey (1964), respectively.
At ordinary densities, small herbivores, both vertebrate
and invertebrate, are much less efficient in their utilization of
available food. Golley (1960) reports an efficiency of 1.6%
for meadow voles ( Microtus ) in a Michigan grassland, and
values of less than 0.5% are estimated for a variety of other
small mammals and granivorous birds (Wiegert and Evans,
1967). Similar low efficiencies apparently characterize insect
herbivores except when these are present in plague propor-
tions. Wiegert (1965) found that grasshoppers (23 species of
acridids and tettigoniids) consumed 1.3% of net plant pro-
duction in a field of alfalfa, and Smalley (1960) obtained
efficiency values of 1.6–2.0% for the meadow grasshopper
Orchelimum in a Spartina salt marsh. Even if all invertebrate
herbivores are considered together, their total consumption
of net primary production seems rarely to exceed 10%; the
following values appear to be representative:

These values do not necessarily indicate the total damage
done to the plant crop. For example, Andrzejewska et al.
(1967) report that grasshoppers may destroy 4.8 times the
amount of plant material they ingest, by gnawing the grass
blades so that part of the leaf falls off. Such material does
not enter the grazing food-chain, however, but drops to the
ground and is consumed by detritus feeders.
The nutritive value of most higher plants varies with age
of the plant, season and environmental conditions, which also
affect the palatability of the food. Few herbivores have the
ability to digest cellulose without the assistance of symbiotic
bacteria or protozoa, and much of the food that is eaten fails
to be assimilated and is eliminated as feces. Assimilation
therefore involves an important split in the flow of matter
and energy through the ecosystem.
High assimilation/consumption ratios can be achieved
by herbivores which are selective feeders on concentrated
foods such as nuts, seeds and fungi; assimilation efficien-
cies of 85–95% have been recorded for such small mam-
mals as Clethrionomys, Apodemus and Microtus (Drozdz,
1967; Davis and Golley, 1963, 81). Somewhat lower values
are reported for large ruminants, ranging from 60–80% for

Nature of ecosystem

% net plant production
used by invertebrates References
Bush-clover stand (S.C.) 0.4–1.4 Menhinick,
Festuca grassland (Tenn.) 9.6 Van Hook, 1971
Spartina salt marsh (Ga.) 7.0–9.2 Teal, 1962
mesophytic woodland

1.5 Reichle and
Crossley, 1967
Mature deciduous forest
(southern Canada)

1.5–2.5 Bray, 1964

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