and an advanced conversion system may also be dictated.
Both near- and long-term measures must be discussed to
illustrate the range of selection available among alternatives.
Considering the conventional energy sources, the increasing
environmental problems and all energy sources alternatives,
there can be predicted five essential developments:
1) the conventional energy sources will build also in
the future the hard core of energy activities, substi-
tuting nevertheless as much as possible petroleum
by other energies to strengthen the availability of
petroleum into a longer future
2) the new energy sources—alternatives as weak
energies will substitute partly the short-term
demand on conventional energy sources and take
over in the long-term future an increasing but not
substantial portion of the total energy demand
3) the transportation and traffic systems of the world,
which make a major contribution to environmental
degradation, will be converted to new, or alterna-
tive energy sources, thus fundamentally changing
their nature
4) the protection of environment necessitates for both,
the conventional and the new energy technologies,
high investment costs which will increase the cost
of final energy for the consumer
5) to find out the best combination of conventional
energies and energy sources—alternatives of old
and new energy technologies and necessities as
well as economic possibilities to protect the
environment, the countries—and it can be only a
national way of solution—must elaborate a long-
term planning system like masterplan or energy
strategies with computerized instrumentation, a
typical task for the national energy commissions.
The energy strategies must not be understood as a kind of
legislation, but they will give all industry connected with
energy production, conversion and application the best path
into the future.
Energy is utilized in various forms by the demand sectors of
the economy. Household and commercial consumers require
thermal energy for comfort and for the preparation of food,
and electrical energy for lighting and for the operation of
electronic and motor-driven appliances that provide entertain-
ment, communication, and labor-saving functions. Energy in
mechanical form is needed for both public and private trans-
portation. Industry has similar needs with added requirements
involving thermal and chemical energy for materials process-
ing, refining, and the manufacture of synthetic materials and
consumer goods. The use of specific energy resources to sat-
isfy these demands depends on their relative economics and
convenience as well as on the systems that are available for
conversion into the form of energy that is ultimately required.
In principle, especially in the northern countries, the
heat demand is much higher than the demand on mechanical
force. The demand on public and private light varies between
one and fifteen percent. Highly industrialized and densely
populated countries are the biggest consumer of light. The
energies heat, mechanical force and light are called effective,
final or util energies. While in the sixties still all of the energy
demand in the United States was satisfied by consumption of
the fossil fuel resources; coal, oil, and natural gas, the parts
of the individual primary energy agents in the meantime have
changed. Small amounts of power were supplied by hydro-
electric and nuclear power plants and even less by solar, geo-
thermal, tidal, and other energy resources. On the other hand
the part of nuclear energy was increased.
Table 1 shows the direct consumption of energy
resources by demand sector in the United States for the year
1968 with a projection to the year 2000. The consumption
of energy resources in the production of electricity repre-
sents a centralized conversion, and the ultimate disposition
of electrical energy to the various demand sectors is given
in Table 2, again for the year 1968, with a projection to the
year 2000. Since the data presented represent resource con-
sumption, they imply an efficiency of energy conversion and
utilization. Comparing the fuel consumption and electrical
output of utilities in 1968, an average efficiency of about
32% is indicated. Fuels burned for thermal energy in decen-
tralized household, commercial, and industrial applications
Recovery and on-site
treatment of resource
Shipment of fuel
from source
Central refining, treatment
or conversion of fuel
Shipment and distribution
of fuel to energy conversion site
energy conversion
Transmission and
distribution of energy
energy conversion,
stationary and mobile
Utilization of energy
FIGURE 2 Simplified energy system flowsheet.
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