Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


Solar Power Plants In-Orbit and Terrestrial-Based
Several concepts for utilizing solar energy in a centralized
power plant have been proposed. Glaser^52 outlined a concep-
tual system that uses a satellite with a large array of solar
cells placed in a synchronous orbit. The solar cells would
convert the solar energy to electricity and this energy would
be beamed by microwave to a receiving station on earth. To
supply the annual electrical energy demand of the northeast
region of the US in 1980, estimated at 1.7  10 15 Btu, a
105 square mile array of silicon cells would be required on
the satellite and the receiving antenna on earth would be of
the order of 20 square miles. Another scheme proposed by
Meinel^53 involves a terrestrial-based plant that would capture
thermal energy from the sun by means of specially coated
surfaces to provide a “greenhouse” effect. A working fluid
would be heated to a temperature of about 1000°F for use in a
power cycle to produce electricity. A terrestrial-based system
of 1000 MW electric capacity would require a land area of
about 5.5 square miles. The satellite concept, like the utiliza-
tion of fossil and nuclear resources, does add to the thermal
burden that must be dissipated to the environment, while the
terrestrial-based solar plant merely implies a redistribution of
energy that impinges on the earth in any event.

Single and Dual Purpose Power Plants: Advantages
and Problems

The more simple service of electricity generating units is
the operation of single purpose power plants, on the other
hand a second purpose can help to increase the efficiency
of the plant, using for instance, the waste heat for district
heating systems or desalination of sea water. Naturally the
structure of the regional or national energy economy must
allow the technical and economical interconnection of two
aims. The increasing cost of fuel oil and natural gas may
promote the use of fossil-fueled and nuclear power plants
for the district heating in high populated towns and regions.
When fully used for the two purposes the efficiency of a
coal-fired power plant can increase up to 75 to 80%. But
the high investment costs of big district heating systems and
the take out of heat in the power plant brings the advantage
of higher efficiency only during the winter period, in the
summer time there will be needed in parallel the normal wet
cooling tower. This is only one argument, the other is, that
the coal, fired in the plant boiler, substitutes fuel oil unbur-
dening the national balance of payment from the import cost
for petroleum. If suitable a dual purpose power plant may
be taken into consideration in the prefeasibility study period
of new projects and here, in particular, also under the aspect
that district heating systems could result in a dramatic reduc-
tion of air pollution in towns.

Decentralized Stationary Power Plants

Energy conversion systems currently utilized in this cat-
egory involve mainly combustion devices for space heat and
industrial process heat applications. For economic reasons

they are generally not as amenable to as high a level of emis-
sion control as larger centralized systems, save for conver-
sion to cleaner fuels such as natural gas and perhaps methane
or hydrogen produced from coal. These applications are also
candidates for conversion to electrical energy thereby shift-
ing the emission problem from decentralized plants to cen-
tralized power generating facility.
Decentralized electric power generating facilities of up
to 5 MW output are sometimes installed in shopping centers
and housing complexes. These now use diesel generators
or gas turbines but could also use fuel cells when these are
developed. Waste heat from these power plants is used for
space heating and air-conditioning, and it is claimed^54 that up
to 85% of the energy in the fuel may be effectively utilized
in these systems as compared with only about 40% in central
station power plants.
The use of solar energy for individual home space con-
ditioning and water heating will further on increase but
involves a substantial capital investment in these applica-
tions. The payback time for the investment costs, however,
will become shorter, because the natural gas, fuel oil, and
electric costs will rise in future overportional to the cost of
primary energy.
Nuclear reactors are not competitive in small decentral-
ized applications for economic and technical reasons par-
tially attributable to the requirement for shielding and other
auxiliary systems. They are used, like other new devices such
as fuel cells, in special military and space applications and
may have potential in very large aircraft. Certain isotopes,
produced by neutron irradiation in a nuclear reactor, have
also been used as energy sources for small power systems in
space and remote terrestrial applications.

Mobile Power Plants

Energy conversion devices used in motor vehicle, rail, and
aircraft applications must provide acceptable performance
characteristics in terms of horsepower–weight ratio and
specific fuel consumption. The gasoline-fueled, internal-
combustion (I-C) engine has dominated the motor vehicle
field and the gas turbine has achieved the same level of
preeminence in aircraft. An appraisal of automotive trans-
portation in relation to the problem of air pollutant was per-
formed by a Department of Commerce panel.^55 Alternate
systems were reviewed and a five-year development pro-
gram was recommended to support innovative develop-
ments on energy sources, propulsion systems, and emission
control devices. Alternative energy sources were considered
further in system studies performed on electric vehicles by
A.D. Little^56 and on the whole spectrum of unconventional
low pollution- potential power sources by Battelle Memorial
Institute.^57 It also is possible to use alternate fuels such as
propane, methanol, natural gas, and hydrogen in I-C engines
to reduce the level of emissions. Propulsion devices that
may have some future potential include gas turbines, exter-
nal combustion systems operating with a steam of organic
Rankine cycle or with a Stirling cycle, fuel cells, and bat-
tery driven electric motors. The characteristics of some

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