Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


provide important information on carcinogenic hazards
in the area to which it refers. The different proportions by
site throughout the world, where data are available, affect
climatic, geographical, and lifestyle variations but are not
always simple to analyze. Furthermore, some sources of data
may consist of numerator information only (e.g., deaths or
diagnosed cases of disease) without the corresponding pop-
ulation fi gures by sex and age, which enable the construc-
tion of rates of mortality and morbidity. Rather than have to
ignore such partial information, it is possible to present it in
the form of proportionate mortality or morbidity rates. In its
simplest form this method expresses the omitting age, since
it may not be available; then it may facilitate comparison
with another source of data that may have affi nities, perhaps
in the likely age structure or in climate, to one under study.


A situation somewhat similar to what has just been described
can occur when a factory may be able to provide details (of
cause, sex, and age) of the deaths of former employees over a
period of time, but without adequate additional information to
permit further analysis (see below). The pattern of their mor-
tality, by cause and sex, can then be compared with the general
patterns of the area where the factory is situated. Usually the
deaths will be categorized into broad groups (e.g., cardiovas-
cular, neoplasms, respiratory) (Lange et al., 2003b), but if
there is a reason to examine certain sites of cancer individu-
ally, they can be included. Each observed death is allotted an
age group in the general population; the proportions of deaths
(as fractions of 1) occurring in each of the chosen cause cat-
egories are entered and summed after all the observed deaths
have been included. The accumulated fractions in each group
will then constitute the expected number of deaths to compare
with the number observed. Accumulated by age into numbers
of expected and observed deaths by sex and cause, the com-
parison can be evaluated statistically for its signifi cance (see
below). If the observed deaths are spread over a number of
years, the expected deaths should be strictly obtained from
the corresponding calendar years, though they can usually be
taken in quinquennial groups without serious loss of accu-
racy. It will be evident that an assumption implicit in the
method is that the factory population has been suffi ciently
similar to the general population to justify the comparison.
Thus, proportionate mortality rates (PMRs) are commonly
used for occupational cohorts.


It is conventional to divide epidemiology into two distinct
branches: descriptive and analytical. Up to this point we have
been concerned mainly with the description of the health
status of a population by means of rates of mortality and
morbidity, by sex, age, and cause; for geographical and other
subgroups; and in calendar time. Some of the methods of
comparison we have discussed, necessitating standardization

of the calculation of expected fi gures, have touched on the
analytic division, though the defi nitions are not always clear-
cut. Other methods that will be discussed are experimental in
their design, such as clinical trials where the treatments of a
disease by two different regimes forms the basis of a compar-
ison of their relative effi ciency, the numbers of patients being
decided by consideration of the statistical power required or


A method that has been frequently used in searching for fac-
tors related, possibly in an etiological way, to the incidence of
disease is to display in graphical form a correlation diagram—
a scatter diagram or “scattergram” where the incidence (or
mortality rate) of the disease is measured on one scale and
the factor of interest on the other. Figure 7 gives an example
of the method, whereby each point represents a country
whose (standardized) rate of colon cancer is set against the
per-capita consumption of fat in that country. It is clear that
there is a relationship between these two measures, such that
as one increases so does the other. This apparent movement
together may suggest a possible causative relationship, such
that the higher the average consumption of fats, the greater
the risk of colon cancer. But note fi rst that it is the aver-
age per-capita factor, which is obtained from the total fat
consumed in a country divided by population. Clearly, indi-
viduals in the population will vary in their mean levels of
consumption; some average more while others less than the
average. If there is a causative relationship, we would expect

80 100 120 140 160 180







TOTAL FAT (g/day)1977–79

AGE-ADJUSTED DEATH RATE/100,000 (1978–79)









FIGURE 7 Cancer of the colon and fat consumption (scattergram).

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