system, among others. Second, a number of solute-transport
models have become available, such as the USGS MOC
(U.S. Geological Survey method of characteristics) series
and the USGS MODFLOW-2000 (modular finite-difference
flow model), to name a few. As a result, analysis, planning,
and development of large-scale problems can be achieved.
Thus far, studies of groundwater resources have made tre-
mendous strides. Major developments include economical
use, environmental considerations, and man’s effect on the
groundwater resource.
Well hydraulics is the most important single element in
groundwater-resources engineering. Wells are drilled either
for abstraction or observation purposes. Abstraction wells,
or pumping wells, are drilled and developed to achieve the
optimum output quantity of groundwater, while observa-
tion wells are for evaluation of the aquifer characteristics.
Equations of well hydraulics under steady and unsteady
conditions with specific geologic settings (i.e., confined,
unconfined, leaky, and fractured) and their specific bound-
ary conditions can be formulated by fluid-dynamics equa-
tions when used in conjunction with Darcy’s Law. For
practical purposes, most solutions have been reduced to
graphical form (Lohman, 1972), tables (Hantush, 1964), or
computer programs (Appel and Reilly, 1994). Here, the case
of unsteady flow to a well in a confined aquifer (unsteady
artesian well) is presented because of its fundamental char-
acteristic and importance in practical applications. A variety
of solutions to well hydraulics for other aquifer-pumping
and well conditions are available in standard texts (e.g.,
Todd and Mays, 2005; Bear, 1979).^
In the derivation of the nonequilibrium drawdown equa-
tion for an aquifer, it is assumed that the release of water occurs
instantaneously and that any compaction occurs only in the
aquifer. If the aquifer is a limestone formation, such compac-
tion is not too likely to occur. On the other hand, if the aquifer
is a clay formation, it will compact quite readily when it loses
its moisture content. Thus, before controlled withdrawals are
put into effect, the ground levels can subside substantially. For
example, the subsidence of Mexico City was caused by the
compaction of the clays overlying the limestone formation
from which water was drawn. In any case, if compaction does
occur, the storage coefficient will vary. Since the variation of
the storage coefficient is rather slow, it can be considered a
basic property of the soil for most purposes. Assumptions are
summarized as follows (see Figure 3):
- The aquifer is horizontal and infinite in extent in
all directions. - Pumping starts instantaneously, at a rate Q.
- Darcy’s Law is valid.
The discharge of groundwater flow can be evaluated by
Darcy’s equation:
Q = KiA (1)
where Q is the discharge flow rate, ft^3 /d; K is the hydraulic
conductivity, ft/d; i is the hydraulic gradient; and A is the
Aquiclude Imper-
vious Rock or Clay
Aquiclude Clay
Confined Aquifer
Piezometric Level
Groundwater Table
Artesian or Pressure Well
Free Surface or Gravity Well
FIGURE 2 Types of groundwater withdrawal.
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