The similarity of the fi nite difference unit hydrograph approach
to multiple regression analysis is immediately apparent. The
fl ow in terms of precipitation can be written as
QaPaPaP ap
Rtt t ntn
Rt t t
12132 1
3 ΛΛ
Rt 212 etc.
Again we can write
{ Q } [ P ]{ a }. (10)
The similarity with Eq. (6) is obvious and may be complete
if we have selected the correct precipitation data to correlate
precipitation at 6 a.m. with downstream fl ow at 9 a.m. when
we know that there is a 3-hour lag in the system. Therefore,
using multiple regression as most hydrologists do, the method
can become identical with the unit hydrograph approach.
The run-off calculations of the previous sections enable esti-
mates to be made of the fl ow in the headwaters of the river
system tributaries. The river system consists of reaches of
channels, lakes, and perhaps reservoirs. The water travels
downstream in the various reaches and through the lakes
and reservoirs. Tributaries combine their fl ows into the main
stream fl ow and also distributed lateral infl ows contribute to
the total fl ow. This total channel system infl uences the fl ow
in two principal ways, fi rst the fl ow takes time to progress
through the system and secondly, some of the fl ow goes into
temporary storage in the system. Channel storage is usually
only moderate compared with the total river fl ow quantities,
but lake and reservoir storage can have a considerable infl u-
ence on the pattern of fl ow.
Calculation procedures are needed which will allow for
this delay of the water as it fl ows through lakes and chan-
nels and for the modifying infl uence of storage. The problem
is correctly and fully described by two physical equations,
namely a continuity equation and an equation of motion.
Continuity is simply a conversion of mass relationship while
the equation of motion relates the mass accelerations to the
forces controlling the movement of water in the system. Open
channel fl uid mechanics deals with the solution of such equa-
tions, but at present the solutions have had little application
to hydrological work because the solutions demand detailed
data which is not usually available and the computations are
usually very complex, even with a large computer.
Hydrologists resort to an alternative approach which is
empirical; it uses the continuity equation but replaces the equa-
tion of motion with a relationship between the storage and the
fl ow in the system. This assumption is not unreasonable and is
consistent with the assumption of a stage–discharge relation-
ship which is widely utilized in stream gauging.
The simplest routing procedure is so-called reservoir rout-
ing, which also applies to natural lakes. The continuity equa-
tion is usually written as;
I = Infl ow to reservoir or lake
O = Outfl ow
S = Storage
The second equation relates storage purely to the outfl ow, which
is true for lakes and reservoirs, where the outfl ow depends only
on the lake level. The outfl ow relationship may be of the form:
O KBH 3/2^ (12)
if the outfl ow is controlled by a rectangular weir, or:
O K′H n (13)
where K′ and n depend on the nature of the outfl ow channel.
Such relationships can be turned into outfl ow—storage
relationships because storage is a function of H, the lake level.
The Eqs. (12) and (13) can then be rewritten in the form
O K ′′ S m. (14)
Alternatively, there may be no simple functional relationship,
but a graphical relationship between O and S can be plotted
or stored in the computer. The continuity equation and the
outfl ow storage relationship can then be solved either graph-
ically or numerically, so that, given certain infl ows, the out-
fl ows can be calculated. Notice the assumption that a lake or
reservoir responds very rapidly to an infl ow, and the whole
lake surface rises uniformly.
During the development of the kinematic routing model
described later, a reservoir routing technique was developed
which has proved to be very useful. Because reservoir rout-
ing is such an important and basic requirement in hydrology,
the method will be presented in full.
Reservoir routing can be greatly simplifi ed by recogniz-
ing that complex stage–discharge relationships can be lin-
earised for a limited range of fl ows. It is even more simple
to relate stage levels to storage and then to linearise the
storage–discharge relationship. The approach described below
can then be applied to any lake or reservoir situation, ranging
from natural outfl ow control to the operation of gated spill-
ways and turbine discharge characteristics.
C008_003_r03.indd 473C008_003_r03.indd 473 11/18/2005 10:29:27 AM11/18/2005 10:29:27 AM