Many simulations, particularly run-off forecasts, have been
based on multiple regression analysis. Flow has been treated
as the dependent variable and many factors such as precipi-
tation, antecedent precipitation, sunshine hours, etc. have
been used as the independent variables.^13 Such methods
have had at least moderate success. The diffi culties with the
method have been that many of the so-called independent
variables are in reality somewhat related, for example, rain-
fall is inversely correlated with sunshine hours. Also, the
lack of true functional relationship usually means that coef-
fi cients for one year’s data vary for other years or for periods
of higher or lower fl ow, and therefore forecast precision in
inherently limited and evaluation of changes to the system,
such as introduction of reservoirs is not feasible.
The defi ciencies of multiple regression analysis have
been somewhat overcome, according to some investigators,
by the use of multivariate analysis. The principle component
techniques select the most signifi cant relationship even if
the data is interrelated. However, this type of analysis is still
blind to the physics of the system. Examples of this technique
and the theory are given in Kendall, Snyder and Wallis 10,14,15
and the reader can consult these for more details.
Monte Carlo methods, of which the stream generation is
a simple example, have been proposed and used. Such meth-
ods have had staggering success in some fi elds of physics,
such as nuclear studies. The classic example was the original
study of critical mass for the atomic bomb. Such success led
people to hope for more general applications. But even the
keenest exponents of such methods agree that they are no
substitute for an understanding of the physical behavior of
the system. The writer considers that such statistical tech-
niques are a reasonable approach if there is no physically
based alternative. Experience with constructing physically
based simulation models shows immediately how valuable
it is to incorporate a functional relationship which bears
some resemblance to the physical system. An example of
this statement is the unit hydrograph approach which can be
considered as a simple simulation model. The actual physi-
cal behavior of a catchment seems to be well described by a
unit hydrograph. As soon as such a unit hydrograph is intro-
duced, it becomes a relatively simple matter to relate cause
and effect, which in that case is precipitation and run-off.
A similar result can be achieved if the correct data is used in
a multiple regression analysis, but such data selection pre-
supposes a knowledge of the system behavior.
Qualitatively, we can describe the behavior of a hydro-
logic system. The catchment soil layers have storage which
decreases and delays run-off and permits evapo-transpiration
to occur. The lake and channel system further delays fl ows and
modifi es the shape of the outfl ow hydrograph. Groundwater
supplies a highly damped outfl ow which is signifi cant during
dry spells. Quantitatively we may know the precipitation
input and the run-off output, although there may be data error,
especially in the precipitation. There may also be data from
which estimates of potential evapo-transpiration can be made.
Presumably data will also be available of such matters as lake
areas, stage-discharge relationships, catchment areas, and ele-
vations, and the details of the streamfl ow network.
It is important to realize what can be discovered about a
system simply from studying the input to the system and the
output from the system, as has been very well demonstrated
by Nash.^23 He considers a simple electrical system made up
of a capacitor and a resistance as shown in Figure 8. Then
if E ( t ) is considered to be the input and e ( t ) the output it can
be shown that
() Et()
where D is the differential operator. Hence we can solve for
e ( t ) if E ( t ) is given. Alternatively if e ( t ) and E ( t ) are given we
can solve for RC as a lumped term, but we can never fi nd the
separate values for R and C. Therefore when we construct
a simulation model, we may be able to correctly model the
output from the input, although the parameters used in the
model may be lumped terms describing various factors in
the real system.
Hydrological systems are considerably more complex
than the above example and it is important to realize that we
cannot start to “fi t” the model to the data until we have simu-
lated the total system behavior. Also, in general, the system
will not be linear like the simple electrical network, so that
response becomes a function of fl ow.
In constructing a simulation model we must fi rst of all
decide the factors or processes which should be included to
correctly and adequately describe the system. Each factor
must then be approximately fi tted using any data or knowl-
edge which we may have. It is a basic rule that these factors,
such as evaporation, unit hydrograph, soil moisture storage,
etc. should be modeled with as few parameters as possible,
as long as adequate description of a process is not jeopar-
dized. This minimization of parameters has been well named
E(t) = e(t) + Ri(t)
i(t) = Cde
e(t) =^1
... E(t)
FIGURE 8 Simple system demonstrating
non-separability of R and C (after Nash).
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