method. The limitation is an uncontrolled, working electrode
potential. As the reaction progresses, the voltage must be
increased to provide a constant current because of polariza-
tion effects. This can lead to the deposition of other species.
However, this method is advantageously applicable when the
species is alone in the solution, more readily reduced than
hydrogen ion, and therefore, not requiring a controlled work-
ing electrode potential. Some of the cations amenable to this
technique are cadmium(II), cobalt(II), copper(II), iron(III),
lead(II), nickel(II), silver(I), tin(II), and zinc(II). If interfering
ions are present they may be complexed in order to prevent
electrodeposition or removed by prior chemical precipitation.
Another application of this technique is the removal of a spe-
cies which would interfere in a subsequent analytical operation.
A mercury electrode is frequently used in this last application.
Controlled, working electrode potential electrolysis has
the greatest applicability to mixtures of analytes. The con-
trol of the working electrode permits selective deposition of
metals with standard potentials that differ by several tenths
of a volt. A schematic diagram in Figure 34 embodies the
elements of the apparatus. One example is the analysis of
a sample containing copper, bismuth, lead, cadmium, zinc,
and tin. The first three metallic ions are deposited at selec-
tive potentials; tin is held in solution as the tartrate complex.
Cadmium and zinc are selectively deposited from ammonia-
cal solutions. Finally, the solution is acidified to decompose
the tin-tartrate complex and tin is deposited.^99 Table 10 lists
analyses amenable to this technique.^100 Controlled, work-
ing electrode potential electrolysis is a slower process than
the constant current method, since the current flow tends to
decrease in the controlled-potential technique due to polar-
ization and other effects.
(2) Coulometry
In coulometry one measures the quantity of electricity
(number of coulombs) that is required to carry out a redox
reaction of the analyte or generate a reagent that reacts with
the analyte. Two general methods are used in coulometry,
namely controlled-potential (potentiostatic) and controlled-
current (amperostatic), commonly known as coulometric
titrations. All the current must be used, solely, either directly
or indirectly, for the reaction concerned with the analyte,
that is, the current efficiency must be 100% for a quantita-
tively accurate, analytical result. In these methods standards
are not needed; the proportionality constant (Faraday’s con-
stant) relating the number of coulombs and the amount of
the analyte is derivable from known physical constants. In
the cell the effects of polarization are decreased by using
electrodes with large surface areas and by vigorous stirring
of the solution during electrolysis.
Faraday’s law relates the amount of electricity in cou-
lombs to the number of equivalents of reactant in a redox
reaction. Faradays’s constant, 96,487 coulombs/equivalent,
is the stoichiometric factor relating electrical charge passing
in an electrolysis and the equivalence of substance reduced
or oxidized. Since one ampere is the rate of flow of one
coulomb per second, the time integrated flow of the current
during a redox reaction will yield the number of coulombs,
Q. When the current varies over the reaction time period an
integration is necessary. With constant current the number of
coulombs can be calculated by the equation,
it Q 96,487 W/ew. (41)
The quantities are i, amperes; t, seconds; W, sample weight
in grams, and ew, equivalent weight in grams per equivalent.
The equivalent weight is the atomic weight, aw, or formula
weight, fw, divided by the number of electrons in the redox
or half cell reaction. For example in the reactions,
Fe^3 ^ e Fe^2 ^ (42)
Counter or auxiliary
Reference electrode
Working electrode
Var iable
FIGURE 34 Schematic for a controlled-potential electrolysis
Controlled-potential electrolysis for metal separation and determination
Metal Separated Metal Matrix
Sb Pb, Sn
Bi Sb, Cd, Cu, Pb, Sn, Zn
Cd Zn
Cu Sb, Bi, Cd, Pb, Ni, Sn, Zn
Pb Al, Cd, Fe, Mn, Ni, Sn, Zn
Ni Al, Fe, Zn
Ag Cu and more active metals
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