scintillator, emits light pulses in the range 330 to 400 nm.
Blue sensitive photomultiplier tubes employed in older model
counters necessitated the use of a secondary phosphor which
absorbed the light pulse of the primary phosphor and emitted
a light in the blue wavelength region. POPOP, the 2^0 scintilla-
tor, 2,2 p-phenylenebis(4-methyl-5-phenyl-oxazole), absorbs
at about 360 nm and emits fluorescence light at 410 to 420
nm. Therefore, PPO and POPOP are a good pair to provide an
effective liquid scintillator for the older blue sensitive photo-
multiplier tubes. A diagram of a scintillation counter is shown
in Figure 41.
(2) Signal processors and readout
Radiation detection instruments are able to measure two
characteristics; the number of particles or radiation events
occurring in a unit time and the energy of each particle or
The counting of events is carried out in electronic coun-
tering devices. Counting circuits convert voltage pulses to
square waves, scale or reduce the number of input pulses,
and count the frequencies of pulses using binary digital cir-
cuits. A scaling circuit decreases the frequency of pulses
arriving from the detector by a known fraction in order to
accommodate the counting devices detection rate. Binary
digital circuits containing JK flip-flops accomplish this
reduction. A binary counter with four JK flip-flops produces
one output pulse for every sixteen input pulses. Arrangement
of the binary circuits to provide a decade counting unit pro-
vides a decimal readout.
In ionization chambers, proportional counters, semicon-
ductor detectors, and scintillation counters the size or height
of the pulse is proportional to the energy of the radiation
event. Pulse height analyzers are coupled to the output of
these detectors in order to form an energy dispersive instru-
ment. Pulse height analyzers employed to separate radiation
of differing energies are equivalent to monochrometers used
to disperse uv, vis, and ir radiation. Instruments are also
available that carry out wavelength dispersion. The radiation
is dispersed using a crystal for x- and gamma rays.
A description of the operation of a pulse height ana-
lyzer is as follows: the radiation event is converted to a
signal by the detector and amplified resulting in pulses as
large as 10 volts. A pulse height selector provides a narrow
voltage window by rejecting voltage pulses between mini-
mum and maximum values using electronic discriminator
circuits. This window can have a voltage range of 0.1 to 0.5
volts. A pulse height analyzer can consist of one or several
pulse height selectors. One pulse height selector comprises
a single channel pulse height analyzer. The voltage range of
10 volts can be scanned, automatically or by hand, using a
window of 0.1 volt yielding an energy dispersion spectrum.
Two to hundreds of channels comprise a multichannel ana-
lyzer. Each channel with its own counting circuit is set for a
specific voltage window. Therefore, the total spectrum can
be simultaneously counted and recorded.
Readout of counting rates can be displayed on solid state
devices, printers, etc. Spectra display on a potentiometric
recorder or storage in a computer with subsequent printout
is available.
(3) Applications
Liquid scintillation counting is used for a variety of
tasks: namely; measurement of the low energy beta emit-
ters^3 H,^14 C,^32 P and^35 S; gamma and x-ray energy disper-
sive spectrometry; and beta-gamma coincidence scintillation
counting for^131 I.
Standard Methods^2 has procedures for the analysis of
cesium-134 and 137, and iodine-129 through 135, total radio-
active strontium (^89 Sr and^90 Sr) and^90 Sr alone, tritium, radon-
222, uranium-234, 235 and 238, and total radium, radium-
226, radium-228, and total alpha and beta content of water.
- Kieth, L.H., ed. (1988), Principles of Environmental Sampling, Ameri-
can Chemical Society, Washington, D.C. - Amer. Pub. Health Assoc., (1995), Standard Methods for the Examina-
tion of Water and Wastewater, 19th Ed., Washington, D.C. - Mentink, A.F. (1968), Specifications for an Integrated Water Quality
Data Acquisition System, U.S. Depart. of Interior, FWQO, Washing-
ton, D.C.; STORET System Handbook (1973), U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. - Ciaccio, L.L., Raul R. Cardenas, Jr. and J.S. Jeris (1973), Automated
and Instrumental Methods in Water Analysis in Water and Water Pollu-
tion Handbook, Vol. 4, L.L. Ciaccio, ed., Chap. 27, Marcel Dekker Inc.,
New York. - American Society for Testing Materials (1996), Book of ASTM Stan-
dards, Vols. 11.01 and 11.02, American Society for Testing Materials,
Philadelphia, PA. - EPA methods: Publications on the use of instruments in the analysis
water by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are too numerous
to list here. The Agency can supply a list of these publications. - Technical Practice Committee (1984), Process Instrumentation & Con-
trol System, Manual of Practice No. OM-6, Water Pollution Control
Federation, Washington, D.C. - Edmonds, T.E., editor (1988), Chemical Sensors, Blackie & Son,
London (Chapman and Hall, New York).
Lead shield
Internal lead
Lead shield
Removable lead cao
FIGURE 41 A well-type scintillation counter.
(Courtesy of TN Technologies, Inc.)
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