Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


national standard of 0.053 ppm are rare; therefore, with the
exception of activities in the vicinity of industrial sources,
nitrogen oxides have not been found to be a cause for com-
munity concern. An important consideration in the case of
significant exposures is the delay that can occur between
exposure and sensations of distress, which may delay
prompt treatment. An important effect is the increased sus-
ceptibility to pathogens that may result from the destruction
of macrophages and general injury to the lung’s defense


The major source of lead in the air environment has been
motor vehicles; therefore, levels have decreased dramati-
cally as regulations have mandated the elimination of lead
from gasoline because of its health effects and its detrimen-
tal action on the catalytic converters in vehicles. Metal pro-
cessing, such as in lead smelters, is currently responsible
for most of the lead in the air, but waste incinerators and
lead-acid-battery manufacturing also contribute.
The chief cause of concern about lead is its effect on
children. Lead damages the brain, particularly the cerebel-
lum, and the kidneys, liver, and other organs, and can lead
to osteoporosis and reproductive disorders. Its effects upon
fetuses and young children produces learning disabilities
and lowers IQ. Lead exposures result in high blood pressure
and can lead to anemia.
The exposure of children occurs not only through the
air but also through accidental or intentional eating of paint
chips and contaminated food or water.


The Clean Air Act of 1977 required that emission standards
be imposed upon air pollutants considered hazardous because
they have been found to increase illness or mortality. The
complexities encountered in attempts to control pollutants

by declaring them to be criteria pollutants and setting air-
quality standards resulted in the choice of emission controls
instead of air-quality standards for toxic materials. The EPA
has listed 188 pollutants whose emissions must be reduced.
Examples are benzene (gasoline), perchlorethylene (used in
dry cleaning), and methylene chloride (a solvent and paint
stripper), as well as toluene, dioxin, asbestos, cadmium, mer-
cury, and chromium.
The effects of significant exposures to toxic pollutants
may be cancer, neurological effects, damage to the immune
system, and reproductive effects. The risk of cancer associ-
ated with exposure to toxic pollutants in the air for a popula-
tion is calculated on the basis of two factors. One describes
the potency of the air contaminant, the other the magnitude
and duration of the exposure, which is commonly assumed
to be a lifetime of 70 years. The potency of a hazardous
material can be expressed as a unit risk value. The unit risk
value for an air pollutant is the increased lifetime cancer
risk occurring in a population in which all individuals are
exposed continuously from birth (70 years). The following
discussion is based on a relatively simple version of risk
assessment compared to the more sophisticated methods that
are now in use.
The unit risk values are used to compare the potency of
carcinogens with each other and to make crude estimates
of the risk to populations whose exposures are known or
assumed. The unit risk values are calculated so as to repre-
sent plausible upper bounds that are unlikely to be higher
but could be appreciably lower. The units of unit risk
values are (g/m^3 )^1. The product of the unit risk value and
the ambient concentration is the individual risk, and the
product with the population exposed is the aggregate risk.
Division of the individual or aggregate risk by 70 results
in the corresponding annual risks. The maximum aver-
age concentration of the hazardous material in the ambi-
ent atmosphere is used in order to be conservative. Thus,
if a maximum value of cadmium in the atmosphere in
the vicinity of a copper smelter is 0.3 g/m^3 , and the unit
risk value of cadmium is 2.3  10 ^3 (g/m^3 )^1 , then the

Carboxyhemoglobin levels resulting from steady-state exposure to increasing concentrations
of CO in ambient air
CO in Atmosphere (ppm) COHb in Blood (%) Signs and Symptoms

10 2 Asymptomatic
70 10 No appreciable effect, except shortness of breath on vigorous exertion; possible tightness
across the forehead; dilation of cutaneous blood vessels
120 20 Shortness of breath on moderate exertion; occasional headache with throbbing in temples
220 30 Headache; irritable; easily fatigued; judgment disturbed; possible dizziness; dimness of vision
350–520 40–50 Headache; confusion; collapse; fainting on exertion
800–1220 60–70 Unconsciousness; intermittent convulsion; respiratory failure; death if exposure is long
1950 80 Rapidly fatal

Source: Ellenhorn’s Medical Toxicology, 2nd Ed, Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

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