Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


but also because^85 Kr is absorbed much more powerfully by
cold charcoal. This is the only practical means we have for
removal of radioactive noble gases.
The very large dispersive capacity of a high stack usually
makes it unnecessary to remove^14 C (as^14 CO 2 ) or tritium
(mainly^3 H^1 HO) because their toxicity is very low. However,
the coolant CO 2 in a gas-graphite reactor does contain
enough^14 C to require alkaline scrubbing, which removes
radioiodine as well.


Storage The necessity for long-term storage of very large
quantities (many millions of gallons) of high level, strongly acid
waste has led to the development of tankage and pipeline sys-
tems which have stood up to severe conditions for many years.
Failures have occurred, but good design and carefully selected
materials have prevented environmental contamination.
Tanks are constructed from material, often stainless
steel, which will not be corroded by the solutions to be
stored. Secondary containment is provided by catch tanks or
drip trays and sufficient spare tankage is kept available for
rapid emptying of a ruptured tank. Leakage is detected by
a monitoring system which alarms immediately if radioac-
tive liquid appears in the catch tank (Figure 5). Movement
of active liquid is effected by pumping rather than by gravity

to ensure that it is the result of deliberate action rather than
Evaporation The most straight-forward and apparently
the simplest method of treatment for radioactive liquid
wastes is evaporation. In a carefully designed evaporator
with an efficient droplet de-entrainment system the radio-
nuclide content of the distillate can be about one millionth
of that in the pot. There is little about the design that is spe-
cifically related to radioactivity except that shielding may
have to be provided for the operator, and off-gases must be
monitored and possibly treated in some way. Unfortunately,
evaporation is expensive because it consumes a large amount
of energy and the end product—the concentrate—is still a
radioactive liquid waste. Evaporation to dryness or to the
point of crystallization has been practised, by the residue is
so soluble in water that without further processing it is not
suitable for disposal.
Where discharge of a large volume of low-level waste
into the environment is unacceptable the cost of evapora-
tion may be justified by its many advantages. Practically
all liquid wastes are treated by evaporation in Denmark and
Sweden, and it is also widely used in Japan.
Residues from evaporation may be mixed with cement,
fused with glass frit or various ceramic mixtures, or incor-
porated with melted bitumen. The product is then handled as
a solid waste.




ORNL– DWG 70– 9869

FIGURE 4 Reactor containment system. Any leakage from fuel must pass through the cladding, the primary containment, and
either the secondary containment or the stack filters. Contamination within the building can be removed by sprays and/or filters.

C013_001_r03.indd 635C013_001_r03.indd 635 11/18/2005 10:38:20 AM11/18/2005 10:38:20 AM

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