Encyclopedia of Environmental Science and Engineering, Volume I and II

(Ben Green) #1


When bonds of ATP indicated by ~ are broken, a con-
siderable amount of energy is released. This ~ bond cleav-
age energy operates the biological engines: it is the universal
chemical power which operates in all cells, autotroph or het-
Chemolithotrophic nutrition is only used by certain true
bacteria. These bacteria are of ecological importance in that
they are used to convert one form of nitrogen to another (i.e.
in the nitrogen cycle) or industrially to oxidize low grade
metallic or non-metallic ores. There are six bacterial groups
which are chemolithotrophic.

1) The ammonia oxidizers such as Nitrosomonas,
Nitrosococcus, Nitrosocystis, Nitrosogloea and
One scheme for ammonia oxidation had hydrox-
ylamine as an obligate intermediate and has been
proposed for Nitrosomonas.
2) The nitrite oxidizers such as Nitrobacter and
Nitrocystis. One proposed scheme for nitrite oxi-
dation for Nitrobacter is:




cytochrome C




 ⎯→⎯⎯⎯ ⎯ →⎯⎯⎯




3) Hydrogen oxidizers Hydrogenomonas. One pro-
posed hydrogen oxidation scheme is:

H 2 →2H^ ^  2e→unknown→fl avor protein compound

→ubiquinone→O 2
b compex

Nicotinamide adenine→menadione

→cytochrome C→cytochrome a
→O 2 dinucleotide (NAD)
4) Ferrous compound oxidizing bacteria such as
Ferrobacillus and Thiobacillus ferroxidans.

One proposed ferrous oxidizing scheme for

F. ferrooxidans is:

4FeCO 3  O 2  6H 2 O→4Fe(OH) 3  4CO 2

5) Methane oxidizers such as Methanomonas methano-
oxidans and Pseudomonas methanica are common
in the upper layers of marine sediments and soil.

Methane is oxidized in the following manner:


6) The sulfur-compound oxidizing bacteria Thioba-

Four pathways for oxidation of thiosulfate (S 2 O 3 ^2 ) by
different Thiobacillus species are known. These are:

a) 6Na 2 S 2 O 3  SO 2 →4Na 2 SO 4  2Na 2 S 4 O 6
2Na 2 S 4 O 6  6H 2 O  7O 2 →2Na 2 SO 4  6H 2 SO 4
b) Na 2 S 2 O 3  2O 2  H 2 O→Na 2 SO 4  H 2 SO 4
c) 5Na 2 S 2 O 3  H 2 O  4O 2
→5Na 2 SO 2  H 2 SO 4  4S
2S  3O 2  2H 2 O→2H 2 SO 4
d) 2Na 2 S 2 O 3  H 2 O  1/2O 2 →Na 2 S 4 O 6  2NaOH

Photolithotrophic nutrition is used by photosynthetic
bacteria, blue green algae and eukaryotic algae. The general
reaction in which both utilization of CO 2 (carbon dioxide
fi xation) and energy generation is summarized is:

CO 22 H A⎯→nv⎯()2CH O 2 AH O 2

Where A is either oxygen for all eukaryotic algae and the
prokaryotic blue-green algae (H 2 A = H 2 O), or sulfur for green
sulfur bacteria, Chlorobacteriaceae, and purple sulfur bacte-
ria, Thiorhodaceae (H 2 A = H 2 S) or any one of several organic
compounds for nonsulfur purple bacteria, Athiorhodaceao
(H 2 A = H 2 -organic compound which is oxidizable).
Both green and purple sulfur bacteria are obligate
anaerobes whereas the non-sulfur purple bacteria are facul-
tative anaerobes (they are anaerobic when growing hetero-
trophically). In all cases, photosynthetic organisms operate
by the initial transduction of light to chemical energy. In
this transduction, chlorophyll  light quanta Ch1^ ^ (excited
chlorophyll)  e (electron driven off of Ch1). Many such
events take place simultaneously and electrons released
during these reactions migrate through the photosynthetic
unit to the reaction center and transfer energy to a special
reaction-center chlorophyll. At the reaction center, a charge
separation of the oxidant and reductant occurs. Electron
fl ow after this event differs in photosynthetic bacteria as
compared with algae and higher plants (Figures 9 and
10). In addition, differences in photosynthetic ability exist
among organisms based upon the absorption maxima of
their light-transducing pigments (primarily chlorophylls).
The combination of light intensity, wavelength of available
light, wavelength of operation of principal energy trans-
ducing pigment, degree of aerobiasis, and availability of
oxidizable compound (H 2 O, H 2 S, or H 2 -organic compound)
all infl uence the effi ciency of photosynthesis. These factors
should be borne in mind when one looks for the ecological
niche occupied by these various organisms.

Ecology of Microorganisms

One should understand the physiological requirements of
microorganisms before investigating the effects of environ-
mental changes on the distribution and activity of diverse

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