Known as the Golden Mother or the Queen
Mother of the West, Xi Wangmu was one of
the most powerful immortals. She heard the
reports of the other immortals after they
returned from visits to Earth. She ruled the
mortal world too, and was able to
bring death, or to grant eternal life
to a person by allowing them to eat
one of the Peaches of Immortality
from her garden. Devotees prayed
to her for a long life, and
women called on her
for good fortune when
they were about to
be married.
For many Buddhists, the spiritual leader of their faith, the
Buddha, is seen as a great human teacher, not as a god.
But, in some forms of Buddhism, a multitude of figures
(including the Buddha himself, and other Buddhas and
Bodhisattvas) attract devotion and worship. In Chinese
popular religion, these figures join the ranks of the
Daoist immortals and are worshipped in temples.
Among the most popular are: Omitofu, Buddha of
the Western Paradise; Da Shi Zhi, the Lord
of Strength and Success; Mile Fu, the
Buddha of the Future; Pilu, the god
of wisdom and embodiment
of Buddhist law; and Guan
Yin, the goddess of mercy.
The Ba Xian, or Eight Immortals, were Daoist scholars and heroes who
achieved immortality due to their devotion to Daoism. They figure in
numerous myths along with the Jade Emperor, flying across clouds,
fighting dragon kings, or defeating evildoers, and also in comic
adventures, such as getting drunk, or setting fire to the sea. Some,
like Han Hsiang Tzun, whose flute was said to give life, were
patrons to musicians; some helped the sick, like Ho Hsien
Ku, a female immortal who carried objects associated with
immortality in her ladle. Chung Li Chuan’s fan could revive
the dead, and Chang Kuo’s castanets prolonged life.
China had one of the largest and most
complex systems of government in the
ancient world. Hundreds of oicials, each
with a clearly defined job, worked for the
emperor, and these people were chosen
by a competitive examination system.
There was a rigorous hierarchy, with only
key advisers allowed direct access to the
emperor, who would meet them, as well
as foreign oicials, in one of the audience
halls in his palace. In Chinese mythology,
a similar government existed in heaven.
Han Hsiang Tzun
Chung Li Chuan
Chang Kuo Ho Hsien Ku
Audience hall in the Forbidden City, Beijing
Xi Wangmu
As the controller of life and
death, the mother goddess
Xi Wangmu is often shown
holding one of the
Peaches of Immortality.
Guan Yin
The goddess Guan Yin is known as
the one who watches and listens.
She responds whenever her
devotees call upon her for help.
The Buddha
A prince who renounced the world to
achieve ultimate wisdom, the Buddha
is revered by the Chinese as one of
the greatest of all spiritual teachers.