All about history book of myths and legends. ( PDFDrive )

(PIAM) #1

Kintoki was a warrior from Kyoto who fell
in love with a beautiful young woman and
married her. Soon afterwards, he became
involved in a court intrigue and was banished to the forest,
because of some malicious gossip that had been spread about
him by certain courtiers jealous of his power. He died soon after
arriving in the forest, where his wife give birth to a son.
When the boy was born, his mother named him Kintaro.
Even as a baby, Kintaro was prodigiously strong; by the time he
was eight years old he could cut down trees as easily and as
well as the most experienced of woodcutters, and he came to
be valued highly by the people of the forest. Once Kintaro
became accustomed to the ways of the wild, he protected his
mother and the other forest dwellers from many monsters,
including terrifying beasts such as the giant earth-spider.

Killing the giant spider
The Tsuchigumo (earth-spider)
slain by Kintaro features as
a monster in several other
Japanese legends. The spider
generally poisoned its victims
to death or trapped them in
a vast, net-like web.

Yama Uba and Kintaro
In several Japanese legends,
Yama Uba is a spirit of the forest
who looks like a human and
lives in an isolated hut. In some
versions of the Kintaro story,
she takes the form of a young
woman and is the hero’s mother.

Kintaro's axe
Kintaro’s greatest possession
was his axe. It was both a tool
for cutting down trees and a
weapon that he could use to
defeat the monsters of the forest.


One of the most popular stories in Japanese
mythology is not about the many great
gods of the Shinto hierarchy, but about a
superhero called Kintaro (Golden Boy), who
possessed superhuman strength even as
a child, and grew up to become a heroic
samurai. Although Kintaro’s career as a
samurai may have been based on a real-life

figure – the great warrior Sakata no Kintoki –
he is essentially a figure of legend. Brought
up in the forest, he became both a friend
to the animals and a defender of the forest
people against monsters when still young.
Later on, in his exploits as a samurai, he
protected Japan from several
even deadlier foes.


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