All about history book of myths and legends. ( PDFDrive )

(PIAM) #1
The spider Ananse is a trickster and also
a culture hero in West Africa, especially
among the Ashanti people of Ghana. Besides
his tricks, Ananse is well known for using
his intellect to outwit creatures much stronger
than himself – stories about these pranks are
commonly told both for amusement and to
highlight the fact that brains are as important

as muscles. In some myths, the trickster
acts as an intermediary between human
beings and the sky god Nyame. Some even
believe that it was Ananse who persuaded
Nyame to create the sun and moon so that
people on Earth could
benefit from having
night and day.



Nyame, the sky god, was the creator of all things, but he sat aloof from his creations.
Down below on the Earth, people worked constantly in the fields – there was no time
for them to rest. Ananse heard their complaints, and spun a thread up to Nyame to
ask for help. So Nyame created night, when everyone could sleep. But the humans
were frightened of the darkness, so Nyame set the moon in the sky to provide light at
night. Then the people shivered because it was always cold, so yet again, Ananse
went to tell Nyame, and he put the sun in the sky to give warmth. This time, the
scorching heat was too much for the mere mortals, and once more, Ananse climbed
up his thread to ask for help on behalf of the people. This time, Nyame sent great
rains to cool everyone, but his rains were so heavy that they caused floods and
people drowned. Nyame made the floods recede and, finally, everybody was content.
Ananse beaker
Embossed with the relief work of a large
spider in its web, this bronze vessel from
Nigeria points to the popularity of the
trickster Ananse in West African myths.

Ananse weeding grass
One story talks about how Ananse won the
hand of Nyame’s daughter by clearing a field
full of itchy weeds without scratching himself.

African sun and moon masks
Masks representing the sun and the moon are common in West Africa.
As the markers of day and night, the sun and the moon are very
important, and Ananse was credited with enabling their creation.


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