After Mwindo escaped from the drum in which Shemwindo had trapped
him, he vowed to return home and fight his father. His maternal uncles
gave him iron armour, and together they destroyed Shemwindo’s home,
killing many people, but Shemwindo escaped to the Underworld.
Mwindo chased him and, upon reaching the Underworld, had to fight
its ruler, Muisa, before he could approach his father. Finally, Shemwindo
surrendered, and apologized for trying to kill Mwindo. The pair agreed
that the kingdom would be split in two, one half ruled by Shemwindo
and the other by Mwindo. They returned to Earth and Mwindo restored
to life all the people who had been killed in the fighting.
One day, Mwindo and some of his
followers were out hunting when a dragon
came and ate some of his companions. Mwindo killed the dragon and
rescued his men from its belly, but the spirit Lightning Master, a friend
of both Mwindo and the dragon, was upset at the death of the beast. So
Lightning Master took Mwindo into the sky to teach him a lesson. In the
sky Mwindo had to endure many ordeals, after which Lightning Master
reminded him that no human, not even a superhero, should treat any
animal with contempt, as they were all considered sacred to the gods.
Then Mwindo was allowed to return to Earth, where he explained to
his people that all creatures were sacred and should be respected. After
this he ruled his people wisely and peacefully for many years.
The Mwindo epic has been recorded in
writing, but it is essentially a performance
piece, and takes the form of a long narrative
punctuated with songs, riddles, proverbs,
prayers, and other asides, accompanied with
the music of drum and flute. The storytellers
who perform the epic pass it down from
one generation to the next and prize the
narrative not merely as entertainment but
as an embodiment of the history, values, and
beliefs of their people. People believe that
the act of performing the epic protects the
storyteller from disease and death.
Congo Drum Congo Flute
The Lightning Master
The spirit called Nkuba or Lightning Master took the form
of a hedgehog. He helped Mwindo with bolts of lightning
when he was attacking Shemwindo’s village.
Congo dancer
Dancing is central to African culture and storytelling.
A complete performance of the Mwindo epic, typically
presented in traditional costume, could take several
days of dancing, singing, and reciting.
Cowrie shell belt
Muisa, the ruler of the Underworld, had a magic belt
that crushed everyone it hit. Muisa ordered it to strike
Mwindo, smashing him to the ground, but Mwindo waved
his flyswatter and the belt could do him no harm.
Ntumba the aardvark
While chasing his father, Mwindo came across
an aardvark spirit called Ntumba. He saw that
Shemwindo was hiding behind Ntumba, whom
he punched for concealing his father.