Achilles, asked his comrade for permission to lead his troops
and disguise himself in the armour of Achilles. When the
Trojan soldiers saw the best of the Greek troops back on the
battlefield, apparently led by Achilles himself, they began
to lose heart. This gave the Greeks more success, but just
as they seemed to be winning, Hector killed Patroclus.
The death of Patroclus roused Achilles, who returned to
the fight, killing Hector and dragging his body around
Troy’s walls. Next, the gods encouraged the Greeks to bring
the great archer Philocretes into the battle, and the bowman
killed Paris, a huge psychological blow for the Trojans. The
Greeks then stole Athena’s statue, which was a sign of good
fortune for the Trojans, from her shrine in Troy.
Finally, the gods put into the mind of Odysseus the
trick of the hollow wooden horse, in which soldiers could
hide. The Greeks left the horse in front of the city and
feigned a withdrawal. The Trojans dragged the statue into
the city. During the night, Greek soldiers emerged from
its belly and opened the city gates. The rest of the Greek
army poured in and Troy was destroyed.
The two sides were well matched. Each had the services of
good leaders, like the Trojan prince, Hector, and the Greek
general, Agamemnon. Each had other famous soldiers and
fighters on their side – Paris for the Trojans and men such
as Achilles and the cunning Odysseus for the Greeks. Each
side also had the backing of several gods and goddesses –
Aphrodite and Poseidon were on the side of Troy; Apollo,
Athena, and Hera favoured the Greeks. Therefore the
stalemate continued, with many minor battles but no
overall victory, for years.
The war reached a climax when two of the Greek leaders
quarrelled. Agamemnon, who had been forced to give up
one of his concubines, took as his mistress one of the many
women of Achilles. In disgust, Achilles withdrew his forces
from the fighting and the Trojans began to get the upper
hand. To win back the initiative, Patroclus, a close friend of
The Trojan horse
The Trojans were
known as skilled
tamers of horses,
so the booby-trapped
wooden horse was an
ironic gift from the
Greeks, which had
disastrous results.
Soldiers in combat
In this engraving created in the style of Greek vase painting,
Trojans attack the Greek ships with fire, while the Greeks
defend themselves with their spears.
Homer’s great epic poem, the Iliad, describes
a war between the Greeks and the Trojans that
lasted for ten years. The conflict began after
Paris, a prince from Troy, eloped with Helen,
the wife of the Greek king, Menelaus, and the
Greeks mounted an expedition to get her
back. On Mount Olympus, the gods and
goddesses looked down on the battlefield,
taking sides and influencing events as heroes
of both sides fell. Finally, the Greeks were
victorious and took
Helen back home.
The Trojan War