Spring flower
Flora’s greatest gift to
humankind, remembered
especially in the spring,
was the seeds of many
different species of flowers.
Ensuring a regular food supply for their huge
population was of vital importance to the
Romans. Hence, many of their deities were
patrons of vineyard-keepers, shepherds,
farmers, and others who produced food for
the people. They included Lupercus, who
protected herds and flocks from wolves, Ops,
who was the goddess of the harvest, and
Liber, who ruled over the vines and fields.
Most of these deities had existed in Italy
before the Romans built up their empire, and
were later included in the Roman pantheon.
Fertility Deities
Zephyrus and Flora
Although both helped the plants
bloom, Flora was the more
widely worshipped, and special
games, the Floralia, were
held in her honour.
Saturn (the Roman version of the Greek god Cronus) was one of the founding
deities of the Roman people. He had been a deity on Mount Olympus, but had
quarrelled with Jupiter, who expelled him from the home of the gods. He hid
in Italy, and the place where he settled became known as Latium, from the
Latin word meaning “to hide”. It was said that he built a village by the River
Tiber, on the site where Rome was later to stand. Here, during the prosperous
time known as the Golden Age, he showed the locals how best to
cultivate the ground and how to grow vines and produce wine.
The Romans worshipped him at a festival called Saturnalia, held in the
month of December, when masters became servants and servants masters.
Saturn with a sickle
Because he was a god of
cultivation, Saturn was usually
depicted carrying a scythe or
a sickle. The barrel signifies
his role as a grower
of grapes for wine.
The goddess of springtime, flowers, and
fertility, Flora is usually portrayed as an attractive
young nymph carrying a bunch of flowers. At first
she was shy and retiring, but Zephyrus, the west wind (also
known as Favonius), caught sight of her and, enchanted by her
beauty, blew in her direction. She ran from him in fright, but
eventually he caught her and made love to her. The story ended well
for Flora, however, because soon Zephyrus made her his wife and the pair
lived happily together, combining their abilities to bring fertile soil and favourable
weather so that the plants grew and the flowers bloomed.