Time Management Proven Techniques for Making Every Minute Count

(lily) #1


now getting sixty to ninety minutes less sleep each night than they
did ten to fifteen years ago. Not only does she advise less sleep,
she also thinks you should...

  • “Keep your breakfast fast and simple. Try a ‘blender break-
    fast’ consisting of a banana, fruit juice, granola and a dash of
    honey.” And,

  • “If your bathtub needs a cleaning, do it during your shower.
    You can scrub as you finish washing or while your hair condi-
    tioner is working.”

You could do those things. You could make up a huge pitcher
of “blender breakfast” and keep it in a cooler in your car, so you
could drink it on the way to work.
You could take a waterproof CD player into the shower, so you
could listen to a self-help program while you’re going at the grout
with your toothbrush and rinsing the shampoo out of your hair.
You could even wear your clothes into the shower, like the protag-
onist in Anne Tyler’s novel, The Accidental Tourist, so you could
wash your duds while you showered, grouted, and listened.
These techniques might work wonderfully for some folks, but
others would pay too high a price for the saved seconds.
You may need to chew your breakfast, so you know you’ve
really eaten; you’ll have to live with the inconvenience and the
irrevocable passage of time while you chomp your Grape Nuts.
You may want and need the three-minute oasis of a steaming
hot shower, a little morning miracle, a pleasure for body and soul,
to start even the busiest day.
Some, however, get up early and exercise for forty-five min-
utes to ninety minutes every morning before chewing their way
through breakfast and wallowing in that hot shower. That works
for them. It might not work for you.
Some of us listen to music when we jog, and others prefer let-
ting their minds drift. If you were so inclined to make the most
of your run, you could install a speakerphone to your treadmill so

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