Time Management Proven Techniques for Making Every Minute Count

(lily) #1

should actually be able to feel your stomach rise with the intake
of breath.
But haven’t you been breathing already? Sort of. But as you hurry,
and as you feel the pressure build inside you, your breath becomes
shallow, and you don’t get the oxygen you need. You’ll especially
notice this when you have to speak in front of a group. Your voice
rises and gets squeaky, and your throat becomes dry and sore.
To combat the ill effects of this oxygen debt, you don’t have to
empty your mind or chant a mantra or wrap yourself into a yoga
position. All you have to do is breathe deeply and slowly for a cou-
ple of minutes three, four, even five times a day. In private, with
your feet up and your eyes closed would be nice, of course, but
you can take a breath break in the middle of a meeting, behind the
wheel of the car, or on the phone. Nobody needs to know you’re
sneaking oxygen.

2. the Continental Drift

Think of a place of perfect contentment in your life, or hearken
back to a time when you were truly relaxed and at peace. (You
may have to go all the way back to summer vacation during your
elementary school years.) Or create an imaginary oasis.
Then go there for two minutes.
Shut out everything else, close your eyes, and create the scene in
your mind. See, hear, feel it. Let warmth and peace wash over you.
You may feel goofy the first few times you try this, but once
you’ve mastered the technique, you’ll return refreshed after just a
couple of minutes, and you’ll know you can go back again soon.

3. pack Up Your troubles

Something bothering you? Visualize and get rid of it.

I S Y O U R L I F E A C O N S TA N T C O M E- F R O M- B E H I N D R A L LY?
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