Environmental Science

(Brent) #1

C. Review
D. Group Discussion
E. Role Playing
F. Discovery
G. Brain Storming
H. Leaderless Group
Autocratic style of teaching strategies is traditional. These strategies achieve different
objectives more than permissive styles of teaching strategies. The autocratic style strategies
are content centered, teacher remains more active, and students are passive listeners. The
autocratic teaching strategies realize cognitive and effective while permissive teaching
strategies tend to achieve effective objectives. The main emphasis is on presentation. These
strategies do not consider the student abilities, interests and personality of the learner.
There is no freedom for the learner in the teaching process. These are highly subjective and
conventional styles of teaching process.

Permissive style of teaching strategies is based on “Modern Theory of Organization
of Task and Relationship centre”. This style seems less conventional. It is mainly child-
centered; the pupils largely determine content. The affective objectives are mainly achieved
by permissive style strategies. These strategies create situations for student and teacher
interaction and both remain active in teaching. Teaching is organized with the consideration
of student interest, abilities and values. These strategies encourage the creativity of the

Importance of Instructional Strategies

  1. These are highly subjective and conventional styles of teaching process.

  2. Teachers are more active and students are passive listeners.

  3. Teachers are free in their classroom teaching.

  4. It establishes class rapport, remedial help and educational guidance to the learner.

  5. It creates a new link with the previous knowledge of learner.

  6. It gives more emphasis to achieve learning objectives rather than students’ interest.

  7. The learning conditions and learning objectives should be achieved.

Objective of Teaching Methods

Teaching procedures in Environmental Science should be governed by the objectives of
its teaching. The specific goals or purpose as well as the nature of the content of a unit
determine the methods to be used in teaching it. Suitable methods are needed for the
achievement of comprehensive objectives of teaching Environmental Science such as to
expose the pupils to knowledge and experiences helpful in the development of understandings,
critical thinking, practical skills and interests discussed earlier. Methods also give training
in constructive thinking, reasoning and critical judgment. The goal expectations in the
teaching of Environmental Science involve deeper and extensive participation of students.
Besides the lecture or question-answer method, students should be exposed to a variety of
learning experiences involving book learning, observation, interviewing, surveying,

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