Environmental Science

(Brent) #1


  1. Stimulation and Awakening Interest in Study

A good method should stimulate the desire for further study and exploration. A good
method should awaken interest in the materials and techniques of Environmental Science.
It should give pupils peep into the workshop of the Environmental Science to enable them
to know the varied interpretations of events and clash of characters.


After selecting the content or subject matter, the teacher should see that the subject is
properly taught, learnt and experienced, with the application of most effective methods of
teaching. As methods are closely related to aims and objectives of teaching a particular
subject the major specific aims of teaching Environmental Science must be remembered.
There are:

  1. Lecture Method

  2. Lecturer cum Discussion Method

  3. Project Method

  4. Source Method

  5. Socialized Recitation

  6. Supervised Study


The lecture method means, “Teaching by means of the spoken word”. It means a formal
talk by the teacher. It may be known as “Telling of Story or Conversational method” with
primary and lower middle classes. With higher secondary and college classes it may be
known as “Lecture Method”.

The lecture method may be safely used at higher and college stages. Even at this stage
the lecture must not be dry but well prepared and well presented to stimulate interest and
mental activity of the students. The students should be prompted to ask questions at the
end of the lecture. Their questioning is a sure proof of the success of the lecture.

Lecture Method at School Level

Based on traditional authority lecturing is a time-honored device for imparting
knowledge. But it has fallen into very ill repute as a method for secondary school pupils. A
good teacher of secondary school is careful not to talk too much. He does not dominate the
learning process. Assuming major share of the responsibility for planning and guiding a
number of activities, experiences and situations the teacher provides functional learning for
the group of pupils in his class. For carefully selecting the proper techniques to meet the
needs, interests and capacities of his pupils at a particular time and particular situations
a lecture may be taken as a technique of description, explanation and clarification.

Utilization of Lecture Method

  1. Ineffective Method

A spoken word is always more effective than a printed one. By his tone, gesture and
facial expression the teacher can indicate the exact meaning that he wishes to convey

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