Environmental Science

(Brent) #1


  1. Lecture may be followed by a written test to measure the success or otherwise of
    the lecture. The lecture is successful if the pupils have learnt well. The teacher can
    revise his methods if the lecture does not seem to affect.


Lecture method is a very effective method but it has own limitation after some changing
and innovation according to Indian schools we can use this method effectively. Lecture
should be subject based and it should be in limited time. Listener should be given time to
think and they should ask the questions from time to time it means the listener should
participate in the lecture. Presentation should be effective and audio-visual should be used
during the lecture.


Lecture method is a one of the best method but it cannot be used every time and it is
not suitable for each and every topic and also for subjects. It can use as a main method and
other teaching methods can be used with it. The discussion method is the supporting method
and it can be used with the lecture method. Some social scientist says that it is a one of the
most valuable methods of teaching Environmental Science is discussion and “two heads are
better than one”. Wonderful results are achieved when a number of heads combine to solve
a problem.


  1. This method is best for a problem, an issue or a situation in which there is a
    difference of opinion. In the discussion method of teaching Environmental Science
    there is exchange of opinion accompanied by a search for its factual basis.

  2. Speech is free and responsible. And values are created not quarreled about. The
    participants are engaged in a process of competitive cooperation. Agreement is the
    declared purpose of discussion that is an ordered process of collective decision-

  3. If agreement is not reached, discussion has the value of clarifying and sharpening
    the nature of agreement.

Objectives of Discussion Method

As a method of teaching Environmental Science discussion may be used for the following
(i) To lay plans for new work;
(ii) To make decisions concerning future action;
(iii) To share information;
(iv) To obtain and gaining respect for various points of view;
(v) To clarify ideas,
(vi) To Inspire interest; and
(vii) To evaluate progress.
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