Environmental Science

(Brent) #1


Some Topic for Debate

(i) Globalization is necessary for the economic development of India.
(ii) Capitalism is responsible for the poverty of our country.
(iii) Five Year Plans have failed to generate proper development.
(iv) Democracy is the best form of government.
(v) For forms of Government let fools contest that which is governed least is best.
(vi) Democracy in India is more formal than real.
(vii) Fundamental rights are of no use in India.
(viii) Used needs total disarmament.

  1. Symposium

In a symposium the participants present to the audience through speeches or proper
reading their views about various aspects of a selected problem or topic. To quote Struck,
“We think of a symposium as a. group of comments, either, spoken or written; which portrays
contrasting or at least different points of view”.

Objective of Symposium

The objective of the symposium is to clarify thoughts upon controversial questions. The
audience listens to the discussion. Each person forms his own conclusions concerning the
validity of the points of view presented. The ideal number of pupil participants in a symposium
is four or five.

Some Suggested Topics for Symposium

  1. Proper organization of the community project is necessary for rural economic

  2. Profit is the dominant motive in all-economic ventures.

  3. Mahatma Gandhi and his thoughts.

  4. The achievement of the Aryans in the fields of science, literature, government, art
    and the life of an ordinary Indian.

  5. Super leader in Indian History Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru.

  6. Declaration of assets and liabilities of the Members of Parliament.

  7. Panel Discussions

It is a discussion among selected group persons, large enough for variety and small
enough for purposeful deliberations. The ideal number may be four to six persons. The
participants in a panel discussion are usually eminent persons in their fields. They present
various points of view before an audience, which subsequently joins in the discussion.

Purpose of Panel Discussion

The purpose of panel discussion is to get important facts from different angles, to
stimulate thinking and lay a basis for wide participation. The members among them make
no speeches only informal conversations take place.

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