Environmental Science

(Brent) #1


Rotation System

The rotation system may be followed in a panel discussion. Each member expresses his
opinion in turn or the members speak briefly as the thought comes to them one after the


Panel discussion method provides a natural setting in which people get the opportunity
to ask questions, to evaluate replies and to contribute constructively. Some topics for Panel
Discussions are:

  1. The role of planning in economic development.

  2. Nationalism can no longer solve the problems of under-developed countries.

  3. Nowhere was the achievement of the Aryans greater than in social organization.

  4. “The President represents the nation but does not rule the nation. He is the symbol
    of the nation and his place in the administration is that of the ceremonial device
    or the seal by which the nation’s decisions are made known” ____ B.R. Ambedkar.

  5. An active king, whose, opinions were a matter of public concern, is unthinkable
    within the framework of our (England’s) constitution” Laski Herold.

  6. The role of planning in economic development.

  7. Nowhere was the achievement of the Aryans greater than in social organization.

  8. Brain Storming

In this form of discussion the brains of the participants are stimulated to create a storm
of ideas and give suggestions regarding the topic without any deliberation to find whether
or not they are meaningful and purposeful. When the brain is let go thus without social
institutions, it would be able to give expressions to some of the most useful and practical
suggestions. For example “Small saving could do a lot to strengthen the savings movement”
is a good subject for brainstorming.

Method of Discussion

  1. To make proper use of the discussion method the teacher and student representatives
    should do considerable planning. In planned and well-directed procedure discussion
    the whole process may be divided into three stages-preparation, discussion and

  2. For through preparation for the discussion the teacher should read wide and deep
    purposefully and critically and prepare the material conscientiously. Arranged
    logically points to be discussed should be written on the chalkboard for guidance.
    If the students do not initially feel the need of the problem to be discussed they
    should be made to do so.

  3. The conducting the discussion should be disciplined. The arrangement of seats
    should ensure face-to-face talk. The strength of the discussion is obtained from the
    information and viewpoint of all members of the group. All should contribute to its
    progress as it is a thinking-together process which breaks down if one member of
    the group dominates it. Ensuring that every member of the group participates the

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