The Warrior Mindset

(Siva m) #1

Growth Mindset

And that’s a key point actually: to keep a
growth mindset at all times. Each
challenge that comes your way is a
chance to get stronger, smarter and
better. By dealing with these hardships,
your life has greater purpose (life is
meaningless when it is easy) and you
become better equipped to take on similar challenges in future.

So, the next time you find yourself in debt, instead of letting it defeat you, instead
see it as a challenge. How can you earn the money you need to get out of it? How
can you become better?

Don’t wallow in stress or anxiety – that helps no one. See it as a chance to grow and
to prevent this happening again and take the necessary steps. Don’t worry about
how it looks to others, don’t blame yourself for letting yourself get into that situation

Just take action. And learn from it. You were not good enough before but now you
are going to be better.

In fact, growth and challenge are things that the brain is actually wired for. We thrive
when we are challenged mentally and physically and this results in the production of
hormones like dopamine, brain derived neurotrophic factor and more that keep us
focussed and that help protect our brains into old age.

Not only should you welcome the challenges that come, you should seek them out.
During ‘times of peace’, you should prepare for battle by learning (reading books,
adopting new skills) and by training your body.

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