The Warrior Mindset

(Siva m) #1

Strength Training and Martial Arts

What do all the warriors through
history have in common?

They are not just mentally tough –
although that has been the focus of
this book – they are also physically
tough. This is very important because
physical toughness gives you the
strength, the resolve and the power to
be confident and to make a stand when you do need to fight for your values.

It is important where possible not to fight but actually, being formidable physically
will help you to avoid the need to fight.

Not only that, but it will give you the ability to protect the ones you love.

And both martial arts and weight lifting will help you to grow while also instilling
great self-discipline. To increase your chances of succeeding on your journey, take up
a martial art and endeavour to hit the gym 3 or 4 times a week.

As Socrates said:

No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is
a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of
which his body is capable.
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