agile-guide english

(AndreasReiner) #1

Agile Glossary




Within the framework of Scrum, the sprint designates an iteration in which a certain scope
of work (principle target) is planned. A sprint typically takes 2-4 weeks.
Sprint Backlog
The sprint backlog is the current plan that contains the tasks to be completed for a sprint. It
includes the entries that were selected in the product backlog for the upcoming sprint. The
tasks are handled by the development team in the upcoming sprint.
Sprint Planning
Sprint planning determines what is to be developed in the coming sprint. The tasks come
from the prioritized order in the product backlog. It also communicates how the work is to
be carried out in the sprint.
Sprint Retrospective
The sprint retrospective is at the end of every sprint. The Scrum team is reviewing its current
working methods to make them more efficient and effective in the future.
Squad lead
The squad lead is responsible for the technical leadership and the success of the project
and defines the requirements necessary for the success of the project for the squad team
members. He creates the framework for the squad team to act responsibly and represents
the squad and its decisions.
Stakeholders are typically managers, customers and users. They facilitate the project and
are only involved in the meetings.
Stand-Up (Daily)
Daily meeting of all team members (15 minutes) to report on the current status and how to
proceed. Updates are displayed in the sprint backlog.
The Product Owner's role on program level in SAFe.
time boxing
Completion of a task within a fixed time frame (time box). This must not be exceeded! It is a
fundamental concept in Scrum that contributes to the efficiency of the process.
Tribe lead
The Tribe Lead is responsible for leading the squad leads. He focuses on value creation,
growth and customer satisfaction and takes care of the alignment of the Quads with
simultaneous autonomy in service delivery. He also forms the interface to the other Tribes
and ensures cross-Organizational cooperation as well as knowledge and know-how transfer.
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