Cambridge International AS and A Level Mathematics Pure Mathematics 1

(Michael S) #1


Solving equations using graphs of trigonometrical functions

Solving equations using graphs of trigonometrical functions

Suppose that you want to solve the equation cos θ = 0.5.
You press the calculator keys for cos−^1 0.5 (or arccos 0.5 or invcos 0.5), and the
answer comes up as 60°.
However, by looking at the graph of y = cos θ (your own or figure 7.18) you can
see that there are in fact infinitely many roots to this equation.

You can see from the graph of y = cos θ that the roots for cos θ = 0.5 are:
θ = ..., −420°, −300°, −60°, 60°, 300°, 420°, 660°, 780°, ....
The functions cosine, sine and tangent are all many-to-one mappings, so their
inverse mappings are one-to-many. Thus the problem ‘find cos 60°’ has only one
solution, 0.5, whilst ‘find θ such that cos θ = 0.5’ has infinitely many solutions.
Remember, that a function has to be either one-to-one or many-to-one; so in
order to define inverse functions for cosine, sine and tangent, a restriction has
to be placed on the domain of each so that it becomes a one-to-one mapping.
This means your calculator only gives one of the infinitely many solutions to
the equation cos θ = 0.5. In fact, your calculator will always give the value of the
solution between:
0°  θ  180° (cos)
−90°  θ  90° (sin)
−90°  θ  90° (tan).
The solution that your calculator gives you is called principal value.
Figure 7.19 shows the graphs of cosine, sine and tangent together with their
principal values. You can see from the graph that the principal values cover the
whole of the range (y values) for each function.


–420° –300° –60° 0 60° 300° 420° 270° 660° 780° θ



Figure 7.18 
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