Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

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Silent Spring

( By Rachel Carson )

  • “I recommend SILENT SPRING above all other books .” --- N. J. Berrill author of MAN’S

  • "Certain to be his tory-making in its influence upon thought and public policy all over the

worl d." --Book- of-the- Month Club News

  • "Mis s Cars on is a scientis t and is not given to tos s ing s erious charges around carelessly.
    When s he warns us , as s he does with s uch a profound s ens e of urgency, we ought to
    take heed. SILENT SPRING may well be one of the great and lowe ring books of our time.
    This book is mus t reading for every res pons ible citizen." --Chicago Daily

  • "Miss Carson's cry of warning is timely. If our species cannot police itself against
    overpopulation, nuclear weapons and pollution, it may become extinct." --The New York
    Ti mes

  • "A great woman has awakened the Nation by he r forceful account of the dangers
    around us. We owe muc h to Rachel Cars on." --Stewa rt L. Udall, Secretary of the Inte rior

  • "It is high time for people to know about thes e rapid changes in their environment, and

to take an effective part in the battle that may shape the future of all life on earth." -The
New York Times Book Review{front page}

  • "It s hould come as no s urpris e that the gifted author of THE SEA AROUN US can take

anothe r bra nch of s cience ... and bring it s o s harply into focus that any intelligent
layman can unders tand what s he is talking about. Unders tand, yes , and s hudde r, for s he
has drawn a living portrait of what is happening to this balance of nature as decreed in
the science of life --- and what man is doing (and has done) to des troy it and create a
s cience of death." -Virginia Kirkus Bulletin
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