compels you to grow, to change.
A calling, though mysterious at times, requires a
practical response. The way we make our way from dream
to reality is through small intentional steps. Decisions reveal
Samuel was more prepared than he realized. He had
already moved and was living with a holy man, poised for
epiphany. And quite by accident, he had done several things
to make himself ready for the call, including finding a
mentor. Of course, it wasn’t his choice—his parents had
done that for him—but in a way, that’s the point. You will
inherit opportunities that you didn’t earn on your own, and
if you are paying attention, you will recognize them for
what they are—chances to hear the call.
The Carlsons’ move to South Africa provided a similar
setup for the call to Burundi. They didn’t know this ahead of
time, but that’s the beauty. A calling takes everything
you’ve done up to a certain point and turns it into
preparation. Ben and Kristy were available, so when the
opportunity arrived, they took it. For Ginny Phang, there
was a nagging feeling in her gut that told her to not have the
abortion. That was her setup. She didn’t know where it came
from or why it was there; she just knew she had to trust that
feeling. “Even though my head did not know how to make
it work . . . my heart felt so right,” she said.^5
Answering a call will sometimes feel that way. It won’t
make sense and may even open you up to rejection and
criticism, but in your heart you will know it’s right. How?