The Art of Work: A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do

(Chris Devlin) #1

which could not have happened without leaving your
couch, being involved, and meeting the one girl you can’t
stop thinking about.”
At different times, Jody had to walk away from what he
thought was his calling. He loved his job, but he had
responsibilities to his family that trumped his job. For him, a
calling is not just a position; it’s a life lived well. And
perhaps the same is true for you and me.
When I met Jody during a trip to Washington State, he
took me around his old stomping grounds, driving me to the
top of Mount Spokane and pointing out the sights, telling
me stories along the way. As he did, I could tell that
although he left his job as a ranger years ago, the job never
fully left him. “A calling does not mean a specific job,” he
said. “I am no longer a park ranger, but it does not mean I
have to walk away from my calling. I can instead apply my

strengths to add value to the cause in another way.”^13

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