The Art of Work: A Proven Path to Discovering What You Were Meant to Do

(Chris Devlin) #1


Many thanks to my endlessly patient wife, Ashley, who

is my favorite editor ever. She caught so many mistakes in
this book that would’ve made you put the book down
before ever getting to this point. And to my little guy, Aiden
—thanks, buddy, for being a trouper while I disappeared for
a few nights and weekends to finish this thing.
To Joel Miller for acquiring this book and for the
numerous nights of talking me off ledges, I am so very
appreciative. (You really should go into therapy, Joel.
You’re quite good at it.) Thanks to Michael Hyatt for
introducing us, and to Brian Hampton, Chad Cannon,
Katherine Rowley, Belinda Bass, Katy Boatman, Emily
Lineberger, and the rest of the team at Nelson Books for
their help in completing this work.
My gratitude goes out to my agent, Mark Oestreicher, for
doing agent-y things and then some—like actually coming
up with the name of the book. Thanks, Marko. Your
mentorship has been invaluable in my own process of
discovering my calling. I also can’t write a book about
calling without mentioning Paul Martin, who was the first
person to get me to call myself a writer.

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